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Motif 2.1 Widget Writer's Guide

Rendering the Compound String

Assuming that your widget provides code for the four resources described in the previous section, the XmStringDraw function is a good choice for rendering the text onto the screen. The XmStringDraw function takes 11 arguments, 4 of which are the values of the resources described in the previous section.

For example, the ExmString widget calls XmStringDraw inside its DrawVisual method. The call appears as follows:

/* If the compound string is not NULL and if there is enough space
in the
   widget to draw at least a little portion of the compound string, then
   render the string with XmStringDraw. */
  if (sw->string.compound_string &&
     (sw->simple.visual.width != 0) &&
     (sw->simple.visual.height != 0)) {
    XmStringDraw (XtDisplay(sw), XtWindow(sw),
                  sw->simple.visual.x, sw->simple.visual.y,
                  sw->simple.visual.width, sw->string.alignment,
                  sw->primitive.layout_direction, NULL);

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