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Motif 2.1 Widget Writer's Guide


Returns the default render table associated with a specified widget


#include <Xm/XmP.h>
XmeGetDefaultRenderTableWidget widgetunsigned
char renderTableType


XmeGetDefaultRenderTable returns the default render table associated with widget widget.

To determine the default render table, XmeGetDefaultRenderTable scans the parent hierarchy of widget, searching for the first ancestor to hold the XmQTspecifyRenderTable trait. If it finds one, XmeGetDefaultRenderTable calls the getRenderTable trait method of the XmQTspecifyRenderTable trait. This trait method returns the appropriate default render table based on renderTableType.

In the standard Motif widget set, the following widgets hold the XmQTspecifyRenderTable trait:

  1. XmBulletinBoard

  2. XmMenuShell

  3. VendorShell

    If XmeGetDefaultRenderTable cannot find an ancestor holding the XmQTspecifyRenderTable trait, XmeGetDefaultRenderTable creates a render table from the default system font.

    The name of the widget whose render table you are seeking.

    You must specify one of the following:

    Specifies a request for the default render table associated with labels. Users or applications typically specify this default through the XmNlabelRenderTable resource of XmBulletinBoard, VendorShell, or XmMenuShell.

    Specifies a request for the default render table associated with text. Users or applications typically specify this default through the XmNtextRenderTable resource of XmBulletinBoard, VendorShell, or XmMenuShell.

    Specifies a request for the default render table associated with buttons. Users or applications typically specify this default through the XmNbuttonRenderTable resource of XmBulletinBoard, VendorShell, or XmMenuShell.


    Returns the default render table associated with widget widget. Your widget should always make a copy of the returned render table and use the copy rather than the original.



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