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Motif 2.1 Widget Writer's Guide
Draws a Motif-style, three-dimensional shadow around a widget
#include <Xm/DrawP.h>
void XmeDrawShadowsDisplay
*displayDrawable drawableGC
top_gcGC bottom_gcPosition
xPosition yDimension
widthDimension heightDimension
shadow_thicknessunsigned char
XmeDrawShadows places a three-dimensional, Motif-style shadow around a
widget. This shadow is one of the fundamental visuals that gives Motif widgets
their characteristic look and feel.
displaySpecifies the display.
drawableSpecifies the drawable to draw the shadow around.
top_gcSpecifies the graphics context for the upper-left portion of the shadow.
bottom_gcSpecifies the graphics context for the bottom-right portion of the shadow.
xSpecifies the x-coordinate of the leftmost point of the shadow.
ySpecifies the y-coordinate of the top of the shadow.
widthSpecifies the width of the shadow rectangle, in pixels.
heightSpecifies the height of the shadow rectangle, in pixels.
shadow_thicknessSpecifies the shadow thickness in pixels. The shadow is drawn from the
outside in. The dimensions of the outside of the shadow are described by
x, yx, width, and height.
shadow_typeSpecifies the kind of shadow to render. The possible values are as
XmSHADOW_INDraws shadow so that it appears inset. This means that the bottom shadow
visuals and top shadow visuals are reversed.
XmSHADOW_OUTDraws shadow so that it appears outset.
XmSHADOW_ETCHED_INDraws shadow by using a double line to give the effect of a line etched
into the window. The thickness of the double line is equal to the value of
XmSHADOW_ETCHED_OUTDraws shadow by using a double line to give the effect of a line coming
out of the window. The thickness of the double line is equal to the value of
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