Creates a DialogShell containing a widget of the specified class
#include <Xm/DrawP.h> Widget XmeCreateClassDialogWidgetClass widget_classWidget parentString nameArgList argsCardinal arg_count
XmeCreateClassDialog is a convenience function that creates a DialogShell and then instantiates widget widget_class inside the DialogShell. XmeCreateClassDialog names the created DialogShell name_popup.
XmeCreateClassDialog forces the value of the XmNallowShellResize resource of Shell to True.
Call XtManageChild to pop up the created DialogShell. You should set the child argument of XtManageChild to the Widget returned by XmeCreateClassDialog. Call XtUnmanageChild to pop down the DialogShell.
XmeCreateClassDialog registers a destroyCallback for the created widget so that its DialogShell parent can be automatically destroyed.
Returns the child widget of the DialogShell.