A trait that implements data transfer to and from a widget
#include <Xm/TransferT.h> typedef struct { int version; XmConvertCallbackProc convertProc; XmDestinationCallbackProc destinationProc; XmDestinationCallbackProc destinationPreHookProc; } XmTransferTraitRec, *XmTransferTrait; void (*XmConvertCallbackProc)WidgetXtPointerXtPointer void (*XmDestinationCallbackProc)WidgetXtPointerXtPointer
The XmQTtransfer trait is installed on any widget that can be a source or destination for data transfer. The usual means of transferring data is the conversion of a selection. The selections supported by Motif are PRIMARY, SECONDARY, CLIPBOARD, and _MOTIF_DROP (for drag and drop operations). A widget can be the source or destination for zero or more of these selections.
If your widget is to be a source of data in a transfer, then your widget must supply a convertProc trait method. This trait method is responsible for converting data to a requested target. If your widget is to be a data transfer destination, then your widget must supply a destinationProc trait method and can optionally supply a destinatinoPreHookProc trait method. The destinationProc trait method is responsible for requesting target(s) from the source and for providing the name of a transfer procedure to handle the returned data. The destinationPreHookProc trait method is used to prepare data for the destinationProc method.
The standard Motif widgets XmContainer, XmLabel, XmLabelGadget, XmList, XmScale, XmText, and XmTextField all hold this trait. XmLabel, XmLabelGadget, XmList, and XmScale provide only convertProc methods. XmContainer, XmText, and XmTextField provide both convertProc and destinationProc methods.
(See the ExmStringTransfer demonstration widget in the demos/widgets/Exm/lib directory for an example usage of this trait.)
void convertProcWidget widgetXtPointer client_dataXtPointer call_data
The convertProc method is invoked when the widget is the source for a data transfer operation. This method converts a selection to a requested target. The call_data argument is a pointer to an XmConvertCallbackStruct structure. The method typically examines the selection and target members of this structure. It returns the converted data in the value member and returns an indicator of the conversion status in the status member.
When the target member of the structure is TARGETS, the convertProc method usually provides data by calling XmeStandardTargets and then adding any targets to which the convertProc method converts data. The method can call XmeStandardConvert to convert data to any of the standard targets.
The convertProc method is invoked after any XmNconvertCallback procedures are called. The callback procedures can perform all or part of the conversion themselves, refuse the conversion, or let the convertProc method handle the conversion. If the callback procedures perform the complete conversion or refuse the conversion, the convertProc method is not called. More specifically, the convertProc method is not called if, after all callback procedures have returned, the value of the status member of the XmConvertCallbackStruct is other than XmCONVERT_DEFAULT or XmCONVERT_MERGE.
Following is a description of the XmConvertCallbackStruct structure:
typedef struct { int reason; XEvent *event; Atom selection; Atom target; XtPointer source_data; XtPointer location_data; int flag; XtPointer parm; int parm_format; unsigned long parm_length; Atom parm_type; int status; XtPointer value; Atom type; int format; unsigned long length; } XmConvertCallbackStruct;
When selection is CLIPBOARD and target is _MOTIF_CLIPBOARD_TARGETS or _MOTIF_DEFERRED_CLIPBOARD_TARGETS, the value is the requested operation (XmCOPY, XmMOVE, or XmLINK).
Before returning, the convertProc trait method should always set status to either XmCONVERT_DONE, indicating a successful conversion, or XmCONVERT_REFUSE, indicating an unsuccessful conversion.
void destinationProcWidget widgetXtPointer client_dataXtPointer call_data
The destinationProc trait method is invoked when the widget is the destination for a data transfer operation. The call_data argument is a pointer to an XmDestinationCallbackStruct structure. This method requests conversion of a selection to an appropriate target, usually by calling XmTransferValue. The method usually supplies a callback to XmTransferValue that receives and possibly inserts the converted data. The XmTransferValue callback returns an indicator of the transfer status. Either the destinationProc trait method or the XmTransferValue callback can also terminate the transfer operation by calling XmTransferDone.
The destinationProc trait method is invoked after any XmNdestinationCallback procedures are called and after all data conversions initiated by those callback procedures are complete. The callback procedures can perform the data transfer themselves, refuse the transfer, or let the destinationProc trait method handle the transfer. If the callback procedures perform the transfer themselves or refuse the transfer, the destinationProc trait method is not called. More specifically, the destinationProc trait method is not invoked if a callback procedure has called XmTransferDone with a transfer status other than XmTRANSFER_DEFAULT.
Following is a description of the XmDestinationCallbackStruct structure:
typedef struct { int reason; XEvent *event; Atom selection; XtEnum operation; int flags; XtPointer transfer_id; XtPointer destination_data; XtPointer location_data; Time time; } XmDestinationCallbackStruct;
void destinationPreHookProcWidget widgetXtPointer client_dataXtPointer call_data
The destinationPreHookProc trait method is invoked when the widget is the destination for a data transfer operation. This method is called before any XmNdestinationCallback procedures are invoked. The call_data argument is a pointer to an XmDestinationCallbackStruct structure. The method can provide any information, such as a value for the location_data member of the structure, that the XmNdestinationCallback procedures or the destinationProc trait method may need.
ExmStringTransfer(3), XmTransferDone(3), XmTransferValue(3), XmeClipboardSink(3), XmeClipboardSource(3), XmeConvertMerge(3), XmeDragSource(3), XmeDropSink(3), XmeGetEncodingAtom(3), XmePrimarySink(3), XmePrimarySource(3), XmeSecondarySink(3), XmeSecondarySource(3), XmeSecondaryTransfer(3), XmeStandardConvert(3), XmeStandardTargets(3), and XmeTransferAddDoneProc(3).