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Motif 2.1 User's Guide

Modifying Mouse Button Bindings

As described in Chapter 2, the Motif Window Manager recognizes the following button actions:

Holding down a mouse button

Releasing a pressed mouse button

Pressing and releasing a mouse button

Pressing and releasing a mouse button twice in rapid succession

Pressing a mouse button and moving the pointer/mouse device

You can associate a mouse button action with a window management function by using a button binding. A button binding is a command line you put in your .mwmrc file that associates a button action with a window manager function.

User-defined button bindings are added to built-in button bindings and are always defined first.

Default Button Bindings

The Motif Window Manager provides default button bindings. These button bindings define the functions of the window frame components. The user-specified button bindings that are defined with the buttonBindings resource are added to the built-in button bindings. The default value for this resource is DefaultButtonBindings (see Table 6-2).

Table 23. Default Button Bindings

Button Action Context Function
Btn1Click2 menu f.kill
Btn1Click minimize f.minimize
Btn1Click maximize f.maximize
Btn1Down title f.move
Btn1Down window| icon f.focus_key
Btn1Down border f.resize
Btn1Click icon f.post_wmenu
Btn1Click2 icon f.restore

Button Binding Syntax

The syntax for button bindings is as follows:

button context [| 
function [
button context [| 
function [
button context [| 
function [

Each line identifies a certain mouse button action, followed by the context in which the button action is valid, followed by the function to be done. Some functions require an argument.

Modifying Button Bindings

To modify the default button bindings, you need to edit either system.mwmrc to make system-wide changes or .mwmrc to make changes to the local environment. The easiest way to modify button bindings is to change the default bindings or to insert extra lines in the DefaultButtonBindings.

When modifying or creating a button binding, you need to first decide which mouse button to use and which action is performed on the button. Make sure you do not use button-action combinations already used by Motif. You might want to require a simultaneous key press with the mouse button action. This is called modifying the button action. Modifiers increase the number of possible button bindings you can make (see Table 6-3).


Binding a function to a mouse button-down event in a window, as would be done in the following example, has some undesirable side effects.

<Btn1Down>   window           f.raise

Once this binding is made, double clicking of that button on a PushButton inside a window will not be interpreted as a double-click, and the default PushButton action will not be taken. Therefore, when rebinding these events, it is important to keep the context of the rebinding as constrained as possible.

Table 24. Button Binding Modifier Keys

Modifier Description
Ctrl Control Key
Shift Shift Key
Alt Alt (Meta) Key
Lock Lock Key
Mod1 Modifier 1
Mod2 Modifier 2
Mod3 Modifier 3
Mod4 Modifier 4
Mod5 Modifier 5

On some systems, you can bind up to five buttons if you have a 3-button mouse. For example, Button 4 is the simultaneous press of Buttons 1 and 2. Button 5 is the simultaneous press of Buttons 2 and 3. Each button can be bound with one of four actions (see Table 6-4).

Table 25. Button Actions for Button Bindings

Button Description
Btn1Down Button 1 press
Btn1Up Button 1 release
Btn1Click Button 1 press and release
Btn1Click2 Button 1 double-click
Btn2Down Button 2 press
Btn2Up Button 2 release
Btn2Click Button 2 press and release
Btn2Click2 Button 2 double-click
Btn3Down Button 3 press
Btn3Up Button 3 release
Btn3Click Button 3 press and release
Btn3Click2 Button 3 double-click

After choosing the optional modifier and the mouse button action, you must decide under which context(s) the binding works (see Table 6-5).

Table 26. Contexts for Mouse Button Bindings

For mouse action at this
This context... pointer position...
root Workspace (root window)
window Client window
frame Window frame (title and border)
icon Icon
title Title bar
border Frame minus title bar
app Application window (inside the frame)

The context indicates where the pointer must be for the button binding to be effective. For example, a context of window indicates that the pointer must be over a client window or window frame for the button binding to be effective. The frame context is for the window frame around a client window (including the border and title bar), the border context is for the border part of the window frame (not including the title bar), the title context is for the title bar of the window frame, and the app context is for the application window or client area (not including the window frame).

The following is an example of a button binding. Imagine you have created your own Graphics Projects menu and you want to display the menu with a button action. You choose Alt as a modifier and Btn3Down as the button action. You decide the pointer must be on the workspace. The function name for posting a special menu is f.menu and the argument is the menu name Graphics Projects. The following line in the DefaultButtonBindings in your .mwmrc file creates the button binding:

Alt<Btn3Down>        root    f.menu  "Graphics

Making a New Button Binding Set

If inserting a new button binding into the DefaultButtonBindings set is not enough, you may need to make a complete new set of button bindings. To create a new button binding set, use the DefaultButtonBindings in your .mwmrc file as a model. After you have created a new button binding set, use the buttonBindings resource to tell the window manager about it.

The buttonBindings resource specifies a button binding set. The default value of the resource is DefaultButtonBindings. Use the following syntax for specifying the resource in your .Xdefaults file:


This line directs the window manager to use NewButtonBindingSetName as the source of its button binding information. The button bindings are assumed to exist in the file named by the configFile resource; the default is .mwmrc.

For example, suppose that you want to specify a completely new button binding set instead of inserting a line in the existing DefaultButtonBindings set. The following entry in your .mwmrc file creates a new button binding set:

Buttons GraphicsButtonBindings
<Btn3Down>  root f.menu "Graphics Projects"

The following line in your .Xdefaults file references the new button binding set:

Mwm*buttonBindings: GraphicsButtonBindings

To display the graphics menu, press Button 3 on the mouse when the pointer is on the workspace.

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