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Motif 2.1 User's Guide

Sizing Windows

You can control the size of a window with specifications that match the following format:


For most applications, sizes are specified in pixels, although some applications use units that make sense for the application. For example, terminal windows are sized in characters and lines rather than in pixels.

The frameBorderWidth resource specifies the width of a client window frame border with shadow elements, but without resize handles. The default value, usually about 5 pixels, is based on the size and resolution of the screen.

The limitResize resource controls the ability to enlarge a window beyond the client's maximized size. The default value of True limits a window's size to no greater than the maximum size specified by the maximumClientSize resource, or the default maximum size assigned by mwm. The value of False allows a window to be resized to any size.

The maximumClientSize resource controls the maximum size of a maximized client. The value of this resource is specified either as width by height, interpreted in terms of the units that the client uses, or with the values vertical or horizontal, which causes the Maximize operation to resize the window only in the specified direction. If this resource is not specified, the size of the screen is the default value.

The maximumMaximumSize resource controls the maximum size of a client window as set by the client. The dimensions are given in pixels. The default value of this resource is twice the screen width and height.

The resizeBorderWidth resource specifies the width of a client window frame border with resize handles and shadow elements. The default value, usually about 10 pixels, is based on the size and resolution of the screen.

The resizeCursors resource indicates whether the resize cursors are displayed when the pointer is in the window resize border. The default value True causes the appropriate resize cursor to appear when the pointer enters a resize handle in the window frame. The value of False prevents resize cursors from being displayed.

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