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Motif 2.1 User's Guide

Chapter 5. Customizing the Motif Window Manager

This chapter describes how to set some of the basic mwm (Motif Window Manger) resources:

  1. Specifying colors for client window frames, icons, menus, and mattes

  2. Specifying window decorations

  3. Specifying the size and placement of windows and icons

  4. Specifying fonts

  5. Specifying input focus

  6. Specifying mwm messages using the message catalog

    There are three types of mwm resources:

    Component appearance resources
    These resources specify appearance attributes of window manager components such as menus and icons.

    Specific appearance and behavior resources
    These resources are used to specify mwm appearance and behavior; for example, colormap and keyboard input focus policies. They are not set separately for different mwm components.

    Client-specific resources
    These mwm resources can be set for a particular client window or class of client windows. They specify client-specific icon and client window frame appearance and behavior.

    For example, you could specify the following resources for mwm in your .Xdefaults file:

    Mwm*background: LightBlue
    Mwm*foreground: Black
    Mwm*activeBackground: Blue
    Mwm*icon*foreground: DarkSlateBlue
    Mwm*keyboardFocusPolicy: pointer
    Mwm*focusAutoRaise: true
    Mwm*UseIconBox: true
    Mwm*iconBoxGeometry: 3x2
    Mwm*my_application*iconImage: ~/my.bitmap

    Notice that the class name for mwm is Mwm.

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