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Motif 2.1 User's Guide

Typographic and Keying Conventions

This document uses the following typographic conventions:

[  ]
Brackets enclose optional items in format and syntax descriptions.

{  }
Braces enclose a list from which you must choose an item in format and syntax descriptions.

A vertical bar separates items in a list of choices.

<  >
Angle brackets enclose the name of a key on the keyboard.

Horizontal ellipsis points indicate that you can repeat the preceding item one or more times. Vertical ellipsis points indicate that you can repeat the preceding item one or more times.

This document uses the following keying conventions:

<Ctrl-x> or ^x
The notation <Ctrl-x> or ^x followed by the name of a key indicates a control character sequence. For example, Ctrl-c means that you hold down the control key while pressing c.

The notation Return refers to the key on your terminal or workstation that is labeled with the word Return or Enter, or with a left arrow.

Entering commands
When instructed to enter a command, type the command name and then press Return. For example, the instruction "Enter the ls command" means that you type the ls command and then press Return (enter = type command + press Return).

Componenents of the Motif user interface are represented by capital letters on each major word of the component, such as PushButton.

Keyboard Conventions

Since not all keyboards are the same, it is difficult to give style guidelines that are correct for every manufacturer's keyboard. To solve this problem, this guide describes keys using a model keyboard mechanism. Wherever keyboard input is specified, the keys are indicated by the engraving they have on the Motif model keyboard. The model keyboard does not correspond directly to any existing keyboard, rather it assumes a keyboard with an ideal set of keys.

In addition to the standard letter, number, and character keys, the Motif model keyboard is composed of the following special keys:

  1. The special printing characters /, \, and !

  2. The standard modifier keys Ctrl, Alt, and Shift

  3. Ten function keys F1 through F10

  4. The arrow keys V, <, >, and ^

  5. Backspace

  6. Cancel

  7. Delete

  8. End

  9. Escape

  10. Help

  11. Either Home, Begin, or both

  12. Insert

  13. Menu

  14. PageDown

  15. PageUp

  16. Return

  17. Space

  18. Tab

    The Motif model keyboard also contains the following optional keys, which, although useful, are either not necessary or can be created by combinations of other keys:

    1. CapsLock

    2. Copy

    3. Cut

    4. Enter

    5. ModeSwitch

    6. NumLock

    7. PageLeft

    8. PageRight

    9. Paste

    10. ScrollLock

    11. Select

    12. Undo

      Throughout this guide, behavior is described in terms of model keyboard keys. When a behavior takes advantage of an optional key from the model keyboard, it is also described in terms of the required special keys. Each of the keys described on the Motif model keyboard is available either as specified or by using other keys or key combinations if the specified key is unavailable. A few of the more important alternatives are described here for your convenience.

      1. If Cancel does not exist, Escape can be used in its place.

      2. If Help does not exist, F1 can be used in its place.

      3. If Menu does not exist, Shift F10 can be used in its place.

      4. If F10 does not exist, Shift Menu can be used in its place.

      5. If Home or Begin does not exist, Alt < can be used in its place.

      6. If End does not exist, Alt > can be used in its place

      7. Mouse Conventions

        On most systems, the mouse has either 2 buttons or 3 buttons. This guide assumes a 3-button mouse. Button 1 refers to the leftmost button. Button 2 refers to the middle button. Button 3 refers to the rightmost button. In general, you use Button 1 for selecting an item, Button 2 for data transfer, and Button 3 for Popup Menus. The functions associated with mouse buttons, however, can be reassigned. Check with your system administrator if you find that the mouse button actions do not correspond to the actions described in this guide.

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