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Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide Reference

Value Set (Control)



A value set is a control that contains a mutually exclusive set of value choices, each of which is usually labeled graphically.

Figure 72. Value Set.

View figure.

When to Use

Use a value set to allow the user to choose a tool.

Use a value set for choices that are mutually exclusive and have iconic graphical representations.

Use a value set for short textual choices that are mutually exclusive; otherwise, use a radio box.


The value choices in a value set should be mutually exclusive; setting one unsets the choice in the value set that is currently set.

Arrange the value choices in a value set in rows, columns, or both.

Essential Related Topics

For more information, see the Control, Tool (Value Choice Type), and Value (Choice Type) reference pages.

Supplemental Related Topics

For more information, see the Radio Button (Control) reference page.

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