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Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide Reference




The clipboard allows the user to transfer a selection from a source to the clipboard and then subsequently from the clipboard to a destination. Clipboard transfer includes the following choices:

An action choice that copies selected elements to the clipboard.

Copy Link
An action choice that places a link to selected elements on the clipboard.

Copy Special
A dialog choice that displays a dialog through which a user can choose the formats in which to copy selected elements to the clipboard.

An action choice that removes selected elements and places them onto the clipboard. The space they occupied is usually filled by the remaining elements in the scope of selection.

An action choice that places the contents of the clipboard into a specified location or into an object or objects displayed within the window.

Paste Link
An action choice that pastes a link to elements previously placed on the clipboard into a specified location or into an object or objects displayed within the window.

Paste Special
A dialog choice that displays a dialog through which a user can choose the format in which elements previously placed on the clipboard are pasted into a specified location or into an object or objects displayed within the window.

When to Use

All selection scopes support transfer to the clipboard.

Support clipboard transfer in any selection scope in which the current selection can be deleted or cut.

If a control supports text entry or any form of data transfer into the control, it supports Paste.


The source of a Copy, Copy Link, Copy Special, or Cut operation are the selected elements of the control for which the operation was invoked.

The target of a Copy, Copy Link, Copy Special, or Cut operation is the clipboard.

Cut is a move operation, Copy is a copy operation, Copy Link is a link operation. Copy Special results in either a copy or link operation, depending on the format chosen in the dialog.

If Paste or Paste Special transfers a data format, it is a copy operation whose source is the clipboard.

If Paste, Paste Special, or Paste Link transfers a link format, it is a link operation whose source is that of the operation that placed the link on the clipboard.

The target of Paste, Paste Link, or Paste Special is the control for which the action was invoked.

When using Copy or Cut, place as many formats of the transferred data as is practical on the clipboard.

Do not make any Paste choices available when no data is in the clipboard or when the data cannot be pasted.

If you provide Paste Special, do not provide Paste Link (the equivalent functionality is available via the Paste Special Dialog).

If you provide Copy Special, do not provide Copy Link (the equivalent functionality is available via the Copy Special Dialog).

Essential Related Topics

For more information, see the Edit (Menu) reference page.

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