The following tables show how Motif widgets correspond to
the components described in this guide. Gadgets, which are essentially
performance-oriented versions of widgets, are not listed in this appendix but
correspond closely to their widget counterparts.
Control | Motif Widget |
Cascade button | XmCascadeButton |
Check button | XmToggleButton with XmNindicatorType set to XmN_OF_MANY |
Drop-down combination box | XmComboBox |
Container | XmContainer |
Label | XmLabel |
Notebook | XmNotebook |
Option menu button | An XmCascadeButton within an XmRowColumn with XmNrowColumnType set to XmMENU_OPTION |
Push button | XmPushButton, XmArrowButton, XmDrawnButton |
Radio button | XmToggleButton with XmNindicatorType set to XmONE_OF_MANY |
Separator | XmSeparator |
Spin box | XmSpinBox |
Toggle button | XmToggleButton (it can also be simulated by XmPushButton and XmDrawnButton ) |
Control | Motif Widget |
Canvas | XmDrawingArea (without children), XmDrawnButton |
List | XmList |
Sash | Private element of XmPanedWindow |
Scale | XmScale |
Scroll bar | XmScrollBar |
Text | XmText and XmTextField |
Control | Motif Widget |
Menu | XmRowColumn with XmNrowColumnType set to XmMENU_PULLDOWN or XmMENU_POPUP |
Menu bar | XmRowColumn with XmNrowColumnType set to XmMENU_BAR |
Panel | XmRowColumn with XmNrowColumnType set to XmWORK_AREA and composed of basic controls |
Control | Motif Widget |
Composite | XmBulletinBoard, XmDrawingArea (with children), XmForm, XmRowColumn when XmNrowColumnType is set to XmWORK_AREA and it is not a basic group |
Split window (paned window) | XmPanedWindow |
Control | Motif Widget |
Group box | XmFrame |
Main window | XmMainWindow |
Scrolled window | XmScrolledWindow |
Control | Motif Widget |
Command box | XmCommand |
Error message | XmMessageBox |
File selection box | XmFileSelectionBox |
Information message | XmMessageBox |
Message | XmMessageBox |
Prompt dialog | XmSelectionBox |
Question dialog | XmMessageBox |
Selection box | XmSelectionBox |
Warning message | XmMessageBox |
In-progress dialog | XmMessageBox |