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Motif 2.1 Programmer's Guide
Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
BulletinBoard and DrawingArea are two container widgets with
similar geometry policies. These widgets have three geometry-related resources
in common:
XmNmarginHeightSpecifies the amount of space between the top shadow of the widget and the
top edge of any child, and between the bottom shadow of the widget and the
bottom edge of any child. When the value of this resource is greater than 0,
the widget ensures that the top edges of all children are below the
widget's top margin.
XmNmarginWidthSpecifies the amount of space between the left shadow of the widget and
the left edge of any child, and between the right shadow of the widget and the
right edge of any child. When the value of this resource is greater than 0,
the widget ensures that the left edges of all children are to the right of the
widget's left margin.
XmNresizePolicyDetermines the widget's policy with regard to resize requests from its
children. Following are the possible values:
XmRESIZE_NONEThe widget has a fixed size determined by its XmNwidth and XmNheight. The
widget does not accept any geometry requests that would cause it to grow, but
it may accept requests (without changing its own size) that would not cause it
to grow. The widget also reports its current size as its own preferred size.
XmRESIZE_GROWThe widget can grow but not shrink. If its own parent approves, the widget
accepts geometry requests that cause it to grow in order to enclose its
children. It may accept requests (without changing its own size) that would
not cause it to grow. When queried about its own preferred size, the widget
calculates its layout and reports as its preference the greater of the
calculated width and height and the current width and height.
XmRESIZE_ANYThe widget tries to accommodate geometry requests that would cause it to
grow or shrink in order to enclose its children, requesting changes to its own
size when necessary. When queried about its own preferred size, the widget
calculates its layout and reports the calculated width and height as its
In addition to these policies, BulletinBoard has geometry facilities that
allow it to interact with subclasses in laying out complex collections of
children. For example, SelectionBox has a List containing choices, a Text
selection area, labels for the list and selection area, and three or four
buttons. Usually the list appears above the selection area. The buttons appear
equally spaced in a row below the selection area.
Additional children may be added to the SelectionBox after creation. The
first child is used as a work area. The value of XmNchildPlacement determines
if the work area is placed above or below the Text area, or above or below the
List area. Additional children are laid out in the following manner:
MenuBarThe first MenuBar child is placed at the top of the window.
ButtonsAll XmArrowButton, XmDrawnButton, XmPushButton, and XmToggleButton widgets
or gadgets, and their subclasses are placed after the OK button in the order
of their creation.
OthersThe layout of additional children that are not in the above categories is
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