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Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide Certification Checklist


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All selection scopes support transfer to the clipboard.

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Support clipboard transfer in any selection scope in which the current selection can be deleted or cut.

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If a control supports text entry or any form of data transfer into the control, it supports Paste.

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The source of a Copy, Copy Link, Copy Special, or Cut operation are the selected elements of the control for which the operation was invoked.

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The target of a Copy, Copy Link, Copy Special, or Cut operation is the clipboard.

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Cut is a move operation, Copy is a copy operation, Copy Link is a link operation. Copy Special results in either a copy or link operation, depending on the format chosen in the dialog.

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If Paste or Paste Special transfers a data format, it is a copy operation whose source is the clipboard.

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If Paste, Paste Special, or Paste Link transfers a link format, it is a link operation whose source is that of the operation that placed the link on the clipboard.

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The target of Paste, Paste Link, or Paste Special is the control for which the action was invoked.

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Do not make any Paste choices available when no data is in the clipboard or when the data cannot be pasted.

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If you provide Paste Special, do not provide Paste Link (the equivalent functionality is available via the Paste Special Dialog).

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If you provide Copy Special, do not provide Copy Link (the equivalent functionality is available via the Copy Special Dialog).

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