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Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide Certification Checklist

Action Message

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Display a question message when the user must respond to a question before continuing the task, but only when the task can be suspended indefinitely without harm and other user activity is unlikely to affect the continuation of the task at a later time.

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Display a warning message to alert the user to a possible danger and to allow the user to take some alternative action or to withdraw the task request.

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Display an error message when a response is needed before the task can be continued (or if it is likely that other user actions might make the task impossible to continue) and if it is essential that either the situation be corrected or the task canceled.

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Display the appropriate symbol to the left of each action message as follows (except in cases of bidirectional language support; see Chapter 11):

Question message

Warning message

Error message

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Display an action message in a secondary window.

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