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Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide Certification Checklist

Cancel (Action and Choice)

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Do not provide a Cancel choice within an in-progress message. Provide a Close or Stop choice instead.

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If the user invokes the cancel action while a requested task is in progress and is waiting for some input, stop the task and, if possible, undo or do not apply any changes.

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If the user invokes the cancel action while a requested task is in progress but is not waiting for some input, stop the task and confirm the cancellation with a warning message, unless the operating environment specifies that confirmation is not necessary.

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If the user invokes the cancel action while some multistep dialog is in progress, terminate the dialog, and do not continue the task that initiated the dialog. If possible, undo any changes to the application state that may have been made during the dialog.

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If the user invokes the cancel action while some modal interaction is in progress, stop the current interaction, exit from the mode, return to the normal mode of operation specified by the operating environment, and do not apply any changes.

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Make Cancel the shortcut key for the Cancel choice.

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