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Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide Certification Checklist
[ ]Display a pointer whenever the operating environment allows the user to
move it.
[ ]Use the hot spot to target (point to) the window, object, element, or
selection under the pointer. If multiple elements are under the pointer, the
topmost element is generally considered the element pointed to by the pointer.
[ ]When no other element-specific or task-specific pointer is displayed,
display the arrow pointer.
[ ]Do not create new pointer shapes for operations that already have pointer
shapes associated with them.
[ ]If the pointer can be warped (that is, moved by the application without
reference to any user control of the pointing device), allow the operating
environment to disable this feature and prevent the pointer from being warped.
[ ]Define a hot spot for each pointer shape.
[ ]For users unable to use a standard pointing device, support a mode whose
only effect is to enable the directional keys, possibly modified with Ctrl, to
act as a pointing device.
[ ]Support access for users unable to press a pointer button or move the
pointer simultaneously or for users who need to perform more precise placement
than possible with a standard pointing device.
[ ]If your interface enters a mode on a pointer button press and supports
behavior on pointer motion in that mode, and there is no other efficient
alternative means of providing the same effect, then do the following:
Provide a means of entering that mode via the keyboard, clicking a pointer
button (possibly augmented by modifier keys), or both.
Support both the pointing device and the directional keys as a means of
moving the pointer in that mode, with an unmodified directional key moving the
pointer by one pixel in the direction indicated, and a directional key
modified by Ctrl moving the pointer by a larger increment.
Do not change the effect of other keyboard actions. In particular, support
Enter to complete the operation and to exit from the mode, Cancel to cancel
the operation and to exit from the mode, and Help to obtain help.
[ ]Use the hot spot position of the pointer to track the movement of the
input device and the location where input device actions occur.
[ ]As the pointer changes shape, indicating a change in the function of the
current area, do not change the location of the hot spot on the screen.
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