This manual describes the syntax and operations of the subroutines available in the graPHIGS API interface.
The graPHIGS API can be invoked from a number of programming languages. (To obtain language specific information, see The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Writing Applications Each invocation consists of the subroutine name with the appropriate parameters required by the subroutine. The graPHIGS API subroutine names are up to six characters long. Mnemonic conventions make the purpose of the subroutine calls evident in the names. Each subroutine name includes the 2-character prefix "GP" and the initial letter or letters from words in the subroutine name. All parameters must be specified in each subroutine and must be in the order shown in the subroutine description.
The Request Control Parameter (RCP) codes give alternative access to the graPHIGS API subroutines. These codes comprise a system programmer's interface (SPI) which provides a common entry point (AFMASP) for the graPHIGS API For more information on using the SPI, see The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Writing Applications
For each graPHIGS API subroutine, you will find a description of the subroutine, its purpose, the processing performed, a list and description of the parameters, a list of associated error codes and messages, a list of related subroutines, and the associated RCP code (used only in programming for the System Programming Interface)
The graPHIGS API subroutine groups are as follows:
The page preceding each group of subroutines presents a brief overview of the purpose and result caused by invoking the subroutines referenced within the given section. This introductory material highlights important information that applies to all the subroutines in that section.
The following abbreviations are used frequently:
The following abbreviations for coordinate spaces are used:
Note: For more information, see The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Understanding Concepts