GPQSID ( start, number, errind, totnum, socketids) |
Use GPQSID to inquire the currently existing socket identifiers in use by the graPHIGS API and available to the graPHIGS shell. This inquiry is intended for applications that use the graPHIGS SYNCPROC default. See The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Technical Reference for further information on the SYNCPROC default and the ramifications of its use.
If the inquired information is available, then the graPHIGS API sets the error indicator to zero and returns the values in the output parameters. If the error indicator is 543 (the start value exceeds the extent of the available data), then only the total number (totnum) parameter is set. If the inquired information is unavailable, then the error indicator (errind) contains an error number indicating the reason, and the values returned in the output parameters are unpredicatable.
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RCP code
201345808 ( X'0C004B11')