GPQM3 (mflags, mdata, qflags, qwidth, qdata, vxflags, vxwidth, vxdata) |
Use GPQM3 to insert a Quadrilateral Mesh 3 structure element into the open structure following the element pointer, or to replace the element pointed at by the element pointer with a Quadrilateral Mesh 3 structure element, depending on the current edit mode.
When encountered during structure traversal, this element generates an array of (M minus 1) (N minus 1) quadrilaterals from a two-dimensional array of M N vertices. Each quadrilateral is generated by four neighboring points in the vertex array, vertices v(i, j), v(i + 1, j), v(i + 1, j + 1), and v(i, j + 1), where 1<= i<= M and 1<= j<= N Each quadrilateral is a facet of the primitive. For more information on quardrilaterals, see The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Understanding Concepts
Your application can specify optional data to further control the rendering of this primitive.
The convexity flag indicates that the application determined the convexity of the quadrilateral mesh primitive. Therefore, the system rendering code does not have to determine the convexity every time the primitive is rendered.
You can specify a geometric normal for each quadrilateral and a reflectance normal for each vertex. The normals are used in the lighting process to produce more realistic effects.
You can specify color for each quadrilateral and/or each vertex. When rendering this primitive, if the primitive is to be highlighted, then the graPHIGS API uses the highlight color instead. The colors are used in the lighting process to produce more realistic effects.
The edges of this primitive consist of line segments forming the boundary of each quadrilateral in the mesh. Use boundary flags to identify the boundaries that you want rendered as edges. More boundary flags are specified than actually used, but the graPHIGS API ignores the unused boundary flags. If there are no boundary flags specified, then all boundaries are rendered as edges. If the edge flag is set to 2=ON and the line type is not set to 1=SOLID_LINE then the results are unpredictable due to the potential double drawing of some edges on some workstations.
You can specify a transparency coefficient per vertex. The graPHIGS API uses these values when producing transparency effects for the rendered primitive.
You can supply vertex morphing vectors per vertex. The graPHIGS API combines these vectors with the vertices and vertex morphing scale factors (GPVMF)to create new vertex coordinate values for the rendered primitive.
You can specify data mapping data per vertex. The graPHIGS API uses these values to determine the colors of the rendered primitive.
You can specify data morphing vectors per vertex. The graPHIGS API combines these vectors with the data morphing scale factors (GPDMF)and (GPBDMF)and the vertex data mapping values to create new data mapping data values for the rendered primitive.
See The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Understanding Concepts for a more complete explanation of how the graPHIGS API uses the various optional data values.
This note applies ONLY to applications which will be run on the High Performance 3D Color Graphics Processor (8 or 24 bit). Use of any optional data other than the convexity flag, vertex normals, quadrilateral normals, quadrilateral colors, vertex colors, and boundary flags may cause unpredictable results (including locking the display) on this graphics processor. If only the High Performance 3D Color Graphics Processor is used, you should include only the supported optional data values. If your application must support iple graphics processors INCLUDING this particular processor, the Inquire Workstation Description (GPQWDT) subroutinemust be used to determine the functions that each workstation supports. See also the workstation description in The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Technical Reference for the High Performance 3D Color Graphics Processor.
When the vertices of a quadrilateral are not coplanar, then the method of rendering the quadrilateral is workstation dependent.
During structure traversal, the graPHIGS API ignores quadrilateral meshes with less than two vertices in either direction, i.e., there is no visual effect.
Polygon attributes are applied to this primitive.
GPQM3 is identified as GDP 1031.
Not all GDPs are supported on all workstations. Use the Inquire List of Generalized Drawing Primitives (GPQGD) subroutineto determine the GDPs supported by an opened workstation. See also the workstation description in The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Technical Reference
The dimensions of the vertex array. The first value (row_dim) defines the number of vertices in a row of the array. The second value (col_dim) defines the number of vertices in a column of the array. The number of quadrilaterals generated in each dimension is one less than its corresponding vertex array dimension. This field is required.
This data indicates that your application determined the convexity of the mesh (0=CONCAVE, 1=CONVEX ) If any individual quadrilateral is concave, then set the flag to 0=CONCAVE Set the flag to 1=CONVEX only if all the quadrilaterals are convex. This allows the workstation to optimize processing of the primitive. This field is optional.
The number of vertex morphing vectors specified at each vertex. The number of fullwords of vertex morphing vector data added to the other fullwords of vertex data specified per vertex cannot exceed 255 fullwords. This field is optional.
The number of data mapping values specified at each vertex. The number of data mapping values added to the other fullwords of vertex data specified per vertex cannot exceed 255 fullwords. This field is optional.
The number of data morphing vectors specified at each vertex. The number of fullwords of data morphing vector data added to the other fullwords of vertex data specified per vertex cannot exceed 255 fullwords. This field is optional.
Each vertex v(i, j) has two boundary flags which specify whether the graPHIGS API draws the boundary from the specified vertex to an adjacent vertex. The first boundary flag applies to the boundary from vertex v(i, j) to vertex v(i + 1, j) and the second boundary flag applies to the boundary from vertex v(i, j) to vertex v(i, j + 1), where 1<= i<= col_dim and 1<= j<= row_dim There are more vertices than boundary flags, but the graPHIGS API ignores the unused boundary flags. This field is optional.
The transparency coefficient value used when performing transparency processing. A value of 0.0 is fully opaque; a value of 1.0 is fully transparent. This field is optional.
The vertex morphing vectors dx1 , dy1 , dz1 , dx2 , dy2 , dz2 , ..., dxn , dyn , dzn . The number, n, of vectors in this array is specified in the pdata parameter as the vertex morphing vector count. The array must be the same length for every vertex. This field is optional.
The data mapping data values x1 , x2 , x3 , ..., xn The number, n, of values in this array is specified in the pdata parameter as the data mapping data count. The array must be the same length for every vertex. This field is optional.
The data morphing vectors d1 1, d1 2, d1 3, ..., d1 n, d2 1, d2 2, d2 3, ..., d2 n, ..., dm1 , dm2 , dm3 , ..., dmn
The data morphing vectors d11 >, d12 >, d13 >, ..., d1n >, d21 >, d22 >, d23 >, ..., d2n >, ..., dm1 , dm2 , dm3 , ..., dmn The number, n, is specified in the pdata parameter as the data mapping data count, and the number, m is specified in the pdata parameter as the data morphing vector count. The array must be the same length for every vertex. This field is optional.
Error Codes
Related Subroutines
RCP code
201343747 (X'0C004303')