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The graPHIGS Programming Interface : Subroutine Reference

GPQCVR - Inquire Current View Representation

GPQCVR (wsid, view, number, ids, errind, data)


This subroutine is a Workstation State List (WSL) inquiry. For an overview, see "WSL Inquiries"


Use GPQCVR to inquire one or more fields from the specified current view table entry.

Each field in the view table entry is identified by a group identifier.

If the inquired information is available, then the graPHIGS API sets the error indicator to zero and returns the values in the output parameter in the requested order. The output parameter must be large enough to store all requested data.

If the inquired information is unavailable, then the error indicator (errind) contains an error number indicating the reason, and the values returned in the output parameters are unpredictable.


wsid -- specified by user, fullword integer

Workstation identifier.

view -- specified by user, fullword integer

View index (>=0)

number -- specified by user, fullword integer

Number of groups requested (>=1)

ids -- specified by user, array of fullword integers

A list of group identifiers requested.

errind -- returned by the graPHIGS API, fullword integer

Error indicator. If the error indicator is zero, the request has been completed. Otherwise, one of the following errors exists:

data -- returned by the graPHIGS API, variable data

Data array containing the values in the requested groups. The value of each field is expressed in the data format listed below:

Group Identifier 1 - Window clipping indicator

A fullword integer (1=NOCLIP, 2=CLIP )

Group Identifier 2 - Near clipping indicator

A fullword integer (1=NOCLIP, 2=CLIP )

Group Identifier 3 - Far clipping indicator

A fullword integer (1=NOCLIP, 2=CLIP )

Group Identifier 4 - Shielding indicator

A fullword integer (1=OFF, 2=ON )

Group Identifier 5 - Shielding color

Four fullwords of data with either of the following two formats:
      indexed format                        direct format
      -------------                         -------------
    0 |          1| fullword integer      0 |          2| fullword integer
      |-----------|                         |-----------|
    4 |color index| fullword integer      4 |component 1| short floating-point number
      |-----------|                         |-----------|
    8 |    ignored| fullword integer      8 |component 2| short floating-point number
      |-----------|                         |-----------|
   12 |    ignored| fullword integer     12 |component 3| short floating-point number
      -------------                         -------------

Group Identifier 6 - Border indicator

A fullword integer (1=OFF, 2=ON )

Group Identifier 7 - Border color

Four fullwords of data with either of the following two formats:
      indexed format                        direct format
      -------------                         ------------- 
    0 |          1| fullword integer      0 |          2| fullword integer
      |-----------|                         |-----------|
    4 |color index| fullword integer      4 |component 1| short floating-point number
      |-----------|                         |-----------|
    8 |    ignored| fullword integer      8 |component 2| short floating-point number
      |-----------|                         |-----------|
   12 |    ignored| fullword integer     12 |component 3| short floating-point number
      -------------                         -------------  

Group Identifier 8 - Reserved.

This field is reserved.

Group Identifier 9 - Temporary view indicator

A fullword integer (1=OFF, 2=ON )

Group Identifier 10 - HLHSR mode

A fullword integer (1=OFF, 2=ON_THE_FLY )

Group Identifier 11 - Transparency processing mode

A fullword integer (1=OFF, 2=PARTIAL_TRANSPARENT, 3=BLEND, 4=BLEND_ALL )

Group Identifier 12 - Initial color processing mode index

A fullword integer (>=0)

Group Identifier 13 - Initial frame buffer write protect mask

A 32-bit bit string.

Group Identifier 14 - Viewport, 2D form

4 short floating-point numbers (including only Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax) For the set subroutine, Zmin and Zmax are set to their default values.

Group Identifier 15 - Viewport, 3D form

6 short floating-point numbers (Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax, Zmin, Zmax)

Group Identifier 16 - View volume, 2D form

4 short floating-point numbers specifying the view window (Umin, Umax, Vmin, Vmax) For the set subroutine, other fields of the view volume group are set to their default values.

Group Identifier 17 - View volume, 3D form

10 short floating-point numbers and a fullword integer specifying a view window (Umin, Umax, Vmin, Vmax), near plane distance, far plane distance, projection reference point (u, v, n), view plane distance and a projection type (1=PARALLEL, 2=PERSPECTIVE )
    |        Umin         | short floating-point number
    |        Umax         | short floating-point number
    |        Vmin         | short floating-point number
    |        Vmax         | short floating-point number
    | near plane distance | short floating-point number
    |  far plane distance | short floating-point number
    |    U projection-    | short floating-point number
    |   reference point   |
    |    V projection-    | short floating-point number
    |   reference point   |
    |    N projection-    | short floating-point number
    |   reference point   |
    | view plane distance | short floating-point number
    |   projection type   | fullword integer

Group Identifier 18 - View matrix, 2D form

9 short floating-point numbers. For the output view matrix, the elements are in the following order:
    |m11  m12  m14|
    |m21  m22  m24| --->(m11,m12,m14,m21.....m44)
    |m41  m42  m44|
The output 3x3 matrix is extracted by the graPHIGS API from the 4[default]4 matrix of the three-dimensional form:
    |m11  m12  m13  m14|
    |m21  m22  m23  m24| --->(m11,m12,m13,m14,m21,m22.....m44)
    |m31  m32  m33  m34|
    |m41  m42  m43  m44|

Group Identifier 19 - View matrix, 3D form

16 short floating-point numbers, M11, M12, M13, For the output view matrix, the elements are in the following order:
    |m11  m12  m13  m14|
    |m21  m22  m23  m24| --->(m11,m12,m13,m14,m21,m22.....m44)
    |m31  m32  m33  m34|
    |m41  m42  m43  m44|

Group Identifier 20 - View input active flag

A fullword integer (1=INACTIVE, 2=ACTIVE )

Group Identifier 21 - View output active flag

A fullword integer (1=INACTIVE, 2=ACTIVE )

Group Identifer 22 - View mapping matrix, 2D form

9 short floating-point numbers:
    |m11  m12  m14|
    |m21  m22  m24| --->(m11,m12,m14,m21.....m44)
    |m41  m42  m44|

Group Identifier 23 - View mapping matrix, 3D form

16 short floating-point numbers:
    |m11  m12  m13  m14|
    |m21  m22  m23  m24| --->(m11,m12,m13,m14,m21,m22.....m44)
    |m31  m32  m33  m34|
    |m41  m42  m43  m44|

Group Identifier 24 - Antialiasing mode

A fullword integer (1=OFF, 2=ON )

Group Identifier 25 - Shield alpha value

A fullword integer (0<=alpha<=255 )

Error Codes


Related Subroutines

Inquire Available Antialiasing Modes
Inquire Available HLHSR Modes
Inquire Requested View Representation
Inquire Available Transparency Modes
Set Extended View Representation

RCP code

201336846 (X'0C00280E')

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