GPQAFC (wsid, csid, font, start, num, errind, prec, nomh, nahsf, lahsf, lnfac, lmnfac, lmxfac) |
Use GPQAFC to inquire information concerning the annotation text capabilities for the specified character set and font on the specified workstation.
The information consists of the highest text precision supported by the specified workstation for the specified csid/ font, the number of supported annotation height scale factors, the nominal character height in Device Coordinates, a list indicating exact supported height scale factors and the number of character expansion factors, minimum expansion factor and maximum expansion factor, corresponding to each height scale factor.
If the inquired information is available, then the graPHIGS API sets the error indicator to zero and returns the values in the output parameters. If the error indicator is 543 (the start value exceeds the extent of the available data), then only the total number (totnum) parameter is set. If the inquired information is unavailable, then the error indicator (errind) contains an error number indicating the reason, and the values returned in the output parameters are unpredictable.
Annotation text capabilities are defined in terms of the following character box description:
<----- width ------> ---------------------- <------------------ top line | | ^ | | | |- - - - - - - - - - | <--- cap line | | | |^ | | | height | | | | | | | | | | - - - - - - - - - -| <--- base line | | | | | | v ---------------------- <------------------ bottom lineHeight is defined as the distance between the top line and bottom line.
This subroutine exists to maintain compatibility with previous graPHIGS API releases. Values of returned data are calculated with a different definition of character height than is used by the Inquire Extended Annotation Font Characteristics (GPQXAF) subroutine, and by the Inquire Font Characteristics (GPQFCH) subroutine.
See Appendix A. "Character Set and Font Identifiers" for more information.
The four output arrays must be large enough to hold the requested number of elements.
Note: This list has one entry for each annotation size supported. Its length is determined by the nahsf field except when that contains 0. In this case, this list has two entries. The first entry contains information for the minimum annotation height scale factor. The second contains information for the maximum.
Note: The length of this list is determined by the nahsf field except when that contains 0. In this case, there are two entries in this list. The first entry contains information for the minimum annotation height scale factor. The second contains information for the maximum.
Note: The length of this list is determined by thie nahsf field except when that contains 0. In this case, there are two entries in this list. The first entry contains information for the minimum annotation height scale factor. The second contains information for the maximum.
Note: The expansion factor is computed as follows: expf = (W/H) / generic where 'W' and 'H' are the width and height for the font with the corresponding scale factor and generic is the (W/H) ratio for a generic font and has the value 0.86667 (=65/75)
Note: The length of this list is determined by the nahsf field except when that contains 0. In this case, there are two entries in this list. The first entry contains information for the minimum annotation height scale factor. The second contains information for the maximum.
Note: The expansion factor is computed as follows: expf = (W/H) / generic where 'W' and 'H' are the width and height for the font with the corresponding scale factor and generic is the (W/H) ratio for a generic font and has the value 0.86667 (=65/75)
Error Codes
Related Subroutines
RCP code
201336589 (X'0C00270D')