GPFLM (flmeth) |
Use GPFLM to insert a Set Face Lighting Method structure element into the open structure following the element pointer or to replace the element pointed at by the element pointer with a Set Face Lighting Method structure element depending on the current edit mode.
During structure traversal, this structure element sets the face lighting method entry of the graPHIGS API traversal state list to the value specified by the parameter. This value is used during the lighting of primitives which define area.
Face lighting options enable you to position an object in relation to a light source and a viewer. For instance, if a viewer is in front of a opaque object and the light source is on the other, the viewer does not see the light and the side of the viewer is dark or in the shadows. 2=FACE_DEPENDENT enables this effect. 1=FACE_INDEPENDENT disables the effect. For more information on face lighting options, see face-dependent lighting in The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Understanding Concepts
The traversal default for face lighting method is 1=FACE_INDEPENDENT
If the workstation does not support the specified face lighting method, then the face lighting method defaults to 1=FACE_INDEPENDENT
Error Codes
Related Subroutines
RCP code
201343503 (X'0C00420F')