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The graPHIGS Programming Interface: ISO PHIGS Subroutine Reference



Use Update Workstation to update the specified workstation.

This subroutine function executes all deferred actions for the specified workstation without intermediate clearing of the display surface. If the regeneration flag is set to PERFORM and the state of visual representation in the Workstation State List (WSL) is DEFERRED or SIMULATED, then the graPHIGS API executes all the actions in the sequence outlined below:

  1. If the Display Surface Empty entry in the Workstation State List (WSL) is set to NOTEMPTY, then the graPHIGS API clears the display surface. At the conclusion of this step (Step 1), the graPHIGS API sets the entry to EMPTY.
  2. If the view orientation matrix, view mapping matrix, view clipping limits, x to y clipping indicator, back clipping indicator, or the front clipping indicator have changed for any view, then the graPHIGS API assigns the current entries in the Workstation State List (WSL) to the corresponding values from the requested entries. The Transformation Update State is set to NOTPENDING.
  3. If the Hidden Line/Hidden Surface Removal (HLHSR) mode has changed, then the graPHIGS API assigns the current WSL entry to the corresponding value from the requested entry. The HLHSR Update State is set to NOTPENDING.
  4. The graPHIGS API re-displays all structures posted to this workstation. Usually, this action sets the Display Surface Empty entry in the WSL to NOTEMPTY.
  5. The state of visual representation is set to CORRECT in the WSL. If the state of visual representation in the Workstation State List (WSL) is DEFERRED or SIMULATED and the regeneration flag is set to PERFORM, then this subroutine is functionally equivalent to the Redraw All Structures subroutine.

When the regeneration flag is set to POSTPONE, the device sends the pending update information without forcing a retraversal if possible. This function is workstation dependent.

Language Bindings


pupd_ws (ws_id, regen_flag);

Input Parameters
Pint ws_id
Workstation identifier.

Pregen_flag regen_flag
Regeneration flag (0=PFLAG_POSTPONE, 1=PFLAG_PERFORM).



Input Parameters

Workstation identifier.

Regeneration flag (0=PPOSTP, 1=PPERFO).


Function Requires State (PHOP,WSOP,*,*)
Specified Workstation Is Not Open
Specified Workstation Does Not Have Output Capability

Related Subroutines

  • Inquire Display Update State

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