The subroutines included in this section let your application program post or unpost a structure network for display on a workstation.
Use Post Structure to add the specified structure to the list of posted structures in the workstation state list (WSL) of the specified workstation. This subroutine adds the workstation identifier to the list of workstations to which the specified structure is posted. If the specified structure does not exist, then the graPHIGS API creates a new empty structure.
The graPHIGS API assigns the specified display priority to the structure network. The display priority indicates the relative importance of the posted structure network. If your application posts multiple structures for display to the same display space location, then the graPHIGS API displays the higher priority structure network. If two structures have the same priority, then the graPHIGS API considers the last posted structure to have the higher priority.
Upon second and subsequent posting of a structure, the graPHIGS API removes the structure from the list of posted structures, and then reposts it at the priority the application specifies.
Language Bindings
ppost_struct (ws_id, struct_id, pri) |
PPOST (wkid, strid, priort) |
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