Use Inquire Structure Status to inquire whether or not the specified structure exists in the centralized structure store. If the specified structure does not exist, then the graPHIGS API sets the structure status indicator to NON-EXISTENT. If the structure exists and contains no elements, then the graPHIGS API sets the structure status indicator to EMPTY; otherwise, the graPHIGS API sets the structure status indicator to NOT EMPTY.
If the information is available, then the graPHIGS API sets the error indicator to zero and returns the structure status value in the output parameter. If the information is unavailable, then the value returned in the output parameter is unpredictable and the graPHIGS API sets the error indicator to the following error:
Language Bindings
pinq_struct_status (struct_id, err_ind, status) |
PQSTST (strid, errind, strsti) |
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