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The graPHIGS Programming Interface: ISO PHIGS Subroutine Reference



Use Inquire Workstation Transformation 3 to inquire the current and requested workstation transformation values of a specified workstation.

If your application has not updated the workstation, then the graPHIGS API returns a value of PENDING. In this case, the requested values reflect either the default settings or the settings established in the application by the Set Workstation Window, Set Workstation Window 3, Set Workstation Viewport, and Set Workstation Viewport 3, subroutines. The current values reflect the workstation's current transformation values. As soon as the workstation is updated, the requested and current values are the same and the state is NOT PENDING. The values returned by the graPHIGS API are the window and viewport definitions.

If the information is available, then the graPHIGS API sets the error indicator to zero and returns the values in the output parameters. If the information is unavailable, then the values returned in the output parameters are unpredictable and the graPHIGS API sets the error indicator to one of the following errors:

Function Requires State (PHOP,WSOP,*,*)
Specified Workstation Is Not Open
Specified Workstation Is Of Category MI

Language Bindings


pinq_ws_tran3 (ws_id, err_ind, upd_st, req_win_lim, cur_win_lim, req_vp_lim, cur_vp_lim)

Input Parameters

Pint ws_id
Workstation identifier.

Output Parameters

Pint *err_ind
Error indicator.

Pupd_st *upd_st
Workstation transformation update state (0=PUPD_NOT_PEND, 1=PUPD_PEND).

Plimit3 *req_win_lim
Requested workstation window limits in NPC.

Plimit3 *cur_win_lim
Current workstation window limits in NPC.

Plimit3 *req_vp_lim
Requested workstation viewport limits in DC.

Plimit3 *cur_vp_lim
Current workstation viewport limits in DC.


PQWKT3 (wkid, errind, tus, rwindo, cwindo, rviewp, cviewp)

Input Parameters

integer wkid
Workstation identifier.

Output Parameters

integer errind
Error indicator.

integer tus
Workstation transformation update state (0=PNPEND, 1=PPEND).

real rwindo(6)
Requested workstation window limits in NPC (RWXMIN, RWXMAX, RWYMIN, RWYMAX, RWZMIN, RWZMAX).

real cwindo(6)
Current workstation window limits in NPC (CWXMIN, CWXMAX, CWYMIN, CWYMAX, CWZMIN, CWZMAX).

real rviewp(6)
Requested workstation viewport limits in DC (RVXMIN, RVXMAX, RVYMIN, RVYMAX, RVZMIN, RVZMAX).

real cviewp(6)
Requested workstation viewport limits in DC (CVXMIN, CVXMAX, CVYMIN, CVYMAX, CVZMIN, CVZMAX).



Related Subroutines

  • Set Workstation Viewport

  • Set Workstation Viewport 3

  • Set Workstation Window

  • Set Workstation Window 3

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