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The graPHIGS Programming Interface: ISO PHIGS Subroutine Reference



Use Inquire Open Structure to inquire the identifier of the open structure.

If your application has opened a structure, then the open structure status is OPEN and the graPHIGS API returns the identifier of the open structure as a structure identifier. If your application has not opened a structure, then the graPHIGS API returns the open structure status as NONE and the structure identifier is undefined.

If the information is available, then the graPHIGS API sets the error indicator to zero and returns the values in the output parameters. If the information is unavailable, then the values returned in the output parameters are unpredictable and the graPHIGS API sets the error indicator to the following error:

Function Requires State (PHOP,*,*,*)

Language Bindings


pinq_open_struct (err_ind, status, struct_id)

Output Parameters

Pint *err_ind
Error indicator.

Popen_struct_status *status
Open structure status (0=PSTRUCT_NONE, 1=PSTRUCT_OPEN).

Pint *struct_id
Structure identifier.


PQOPST (errind, stype, strid)

Output Parameters

integer errind
Error indicator.

integer stype
Open structure status (0=PNONST, 1=POPNST).

integer strid
Structure identifier.



Related Subroutines

  • Open Structure

  • Close Structure

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