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The graPHIGS Programming Interface: ISO PHIGS Subroutine Reference



Use Inquire Dynamics of Workstation Attributes to inquire the dynamic modification supported by the specified workstation for the following categories of picture changes:

Possible dynamic modifications include: IMPLICIT REGENERATION (IRG), meaning that implicit regeneration is necessary; IMMEDIATELY (IMM), meaning that the action is performed immediately; and CAN BE SIMULATED (CBS), meaning that the change can be simulated. If a category has a dynamic modification of IRG or CBS, it is still possible that your application can immediately execute some changes correctly if the state of the picture allows it. (For example, if no structures are posted, most changes can be executed immediately.)

If the information is available, then the graPHIGS API sets the error indicator to zero and returns the values in the output parameters. If the information is unavailable, then the values returned in the output parameters are unpredictable and the graPHIGS API sets the error indicator to one of the following errors:

Function Requires State (PHOP,*,*,*)
Workstation Type Not Recognized By Implementation
Information Not Available For Generic Workstation Type
Specified Workstation Does Not Have Output Capability
This Information Not Available For MO Workstation Type

Language Bindings


pinq_dyns_ws_attrs (ws_type, err_ind, attr)

Input Parameters

Pint ws_type
Workstation type.

Output Parameters

Pint *err_ind
Error indicator.

Pdyns_ws_attrs *attr
Dynamics of workstation attributes.


PQDSWA (wtype, errind, plbun, pmbun, txbun, inbun, edbun, parep, colrep, vwrep, wktr, hlfltr, infltr, hlhsr)

Input Parameters

integer wtype
Workstation type.

Output Parameters

integer errind
Error indicator.

integer plbun
Polyline bundle representation changeable (0=PIRG, 1=PIMM, 2=PCBS).

integer pmbun
Polymarker bundle representation changeable (0=PIRG, 1=PIMM, 2=PCBS).

integer txbun
Text bundle representation changeable (0=PIRG, 1=PIMM, 2=PCBS).

integer inbun
Interior bundle representation changeable (0=PIRG, 1=PIMM, 2=PCBS).

integer edbun
Edge bundle representation changeable (0=PIRG, 1=PIMM, 2=PCBS).

integer parep
Pattern representation changeable (0=PIRG, 1=PIMM, 2=PCBS).

integer colrep
Color representation changeable (0=PIRG, 1=PIMM, 2=PCBS).

integer vwrep
View representation changeable (0=PIRG, 1=PIMM, 2=PCBS).

integer wktr
Workstation transformation changeable (0=PIRG, 1=PIMM, 2=PCBS).

integer hifltr
Highlighting filter changeable (0=PIRG, 1=PIMM, 2=PCBS).

integer infltr
Invisibility filter changeable (0=PIRG, 1=PIMM, 2=PCBS).

integer hlhsr
HLHSR mode changeable (0=PIRG, 1=PIMM, 2=PCBS).



Related Subroutines

  • Inquire Dynamics Of Structures

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