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The graPHIGS Programming Interface: ISO PHIGS Subroutine Reference
Initialize Valuator
to initialize the specified valuator device.
The Initialize Valuator subroutine stores the
initial value, prompt/echo type, echo area, and valuator data
record in the workstation state list
for the specified workstation.
The z coordinates of
the echo volume remain unchanged.
For all valuator prompt/echo types
a low value and a high value specify the range for input from that
The graPHIGS API scales the values from the physical device
linearly to the specified range.
This function supports the following prompt/echo types:
Type One designates the current valuator value using a
workstation-dependent technique.
Type Three displays a numerical representation of
the current valuator value within the echo area.
The valuator device must be in Request mode.
Language Bindings
(ws_id, val_num, init_value,
pet, echo_area, val_data) |
Pint ws_idWorkstation identifier.
Pint val_numValuator device number (>=1).
Pfloat init_valueInitial value.
Pint petPrompt and echo type.
const Plimit *echo_areaEcho area in DC.
const Pval_data *val_dataData record.
(wkid, vldnr, ival,
pet, xmin, xmax,
ymin, ymax, ldr,
datrec) |
integer wkidWorkstation identifier.
integer vldnrValuator device number (>=1).
real ivalInitial value.
integer petPrompt and echo type.
real xminMinimum x coordinate determining echo area in DC.
real xmaxMaximum x coordinate determining echo area in DC.
real yminMinimum y coordinate determining echo area in DC.
real ymaxMaximum y coordinate determining echo area in DC.
integer ldrDimension of the data record array.
character*80 datrec(ldr)Data record.
The pprec parameters used to build the
valuator input data record are as follows:
(IL=0, IA=(), RL=2,
RA=low value of valuator range, high value of
valuator range, SL=0, LSTR=(),
- 3
- Function Requires State (PHOP,WSOP,*,*)
- 54
- Specified Workstation Is Not Open
- 61
- Specified Workstation Is Not Of Category Input Or Outin
- 250
- Specified Device Not Available On Workstation
- 251
- Function Requires Input Device To Be In Request Mode
- 254
- Invalid Echo Area/Volume: XMIN>=XMAX, YMIN>=YMAX OR ZMIN>ZMAX
- 255
- Echo Area/Volume Boundary Point(s) Outside Device Range
- 253
- Prompt/Echo Type Not Available On Specified Workstation
- 260
- Input Device Data Record Field Is In Error
- 261
- Initial Value Is Invalid
Related Subroutines
Inquire Valuator Device State
Inquire Default Valuator Device Data
Inquire Display Space Size
Inquire Number Of Available Logical Input Devices
Pack Data Record
Set Valuator Mode
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