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The graPHIGS Programming Interface: ISO PHIGS Subroutine Reference
Initialize Pick
to initialize the specified pick device.
The Initialize Pick subroutine stores the prompt/echo
type, echo area, initial pick path depth, initial pick path,
pick data record and pick path order in the workstation
state list for the specified device.
The z coordinates of
the echo volume remain unchanged.
The pick status may be initialized to OK
The pick path order is the order in which the graPHIGS API returns
the elements of the pick path.
If you specify the pick path order as TOP FIRST,
then the structure specified in any pick path element is a parent
of the structure specified in the subsequent pick path element.
If you specify the pick path order as BOTTOM FIRST,
then the structure specified
in any pick path element is a child of the structure specified
in the subsequent pick path element.
Each pick path element consists of a structure identifier,
a pick identifier, and an element position.
This function supports the following prompt/echo types:
Type One uses a workstation-dependent technique that highlights
the picked primitive. The graPHIGS API does not require a data record.
The pick device must be in Request Mode.
Language Bindings
(ws_id, pick_num, init_status,
init_pick, pet, echo_area, pick_data, order) |
Pint ws_idWorkstation identifier.
Pint pick_numPick device number (>=1).
Pint init_statusInitial pick status
const Ppick_path *init_pickInitial pick path.
Pint petPrompt and echo type.
const Plimit *echo_areaEcho area in DC.
const Ppick_data *pick_dataData record.
Ppath_order orderPick path order
(wkid, pkdnr, istat,
ippd, pp,
pet, xmin,
xmax, ymin, ymax,
ldr, datrec, ppordr) |
integer wkidWorkstation identifier.
integer pkdnrPick device number
integer istatInitial pick status
(1=POK, 2=PNPICK).
integer ippdDepth of initial pick path.
integer pp(3,ippd)Initial pick path.
integer petPrompt and echo type.
real xminMinimum x coordinate determining echo area in DC.
real xmaxMaximum x coordinate determining echo area in DC.
real yminMinimum y coordinate determining echo area in DC.
real ymaxMaximum y coordinate determining echo area in DC.
integer ldrDimension of the data record array.
character*80 datrec(ldr)Data record.
integer ppordrPick path order
- 3
- Function Requires State (PHOP,WSOP,*,*)
- 54
- Specified Workstation Is Not Open
- 60
- Specified Workstation Is Not Of Category Input Or Outin
- 250
- Specified Device Not Available On Workstation
- 251
- Function Requires Input Device To Be In Request Mode
- 254
- Invalid Echo Area/Volume: XMIN>=XMAX, YMIN>=YMAX OR ZMIN>ZMAX
- 255
- Echo Area/Volume Boundary Point(s) Outside Device Range
- 253
- Prompt/Echo Type Not Available On Specified Workstation
- 260
- Input Device Data Record Field Is In Error
- 261
- Initial Value Is Invalid
Related Subroutines
Add Names To Set
Inquire Pick Device State
Inquire Default Pick Device Data
Inquire Display Space Size
Inquire Number Of Available Logical Input Devices
Pack Data Record
Remove Names From Set
Set Pick Filter
Set Pick Identifier
Set Pick Mode
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