Use Cell Array 3 to create a three-dimensional cell array primitive, and insert it into the open structure following the element pointer or replace the element pointed at by the element pointer with a Cell Array 3 structure element, depending on the current edit mode.
This structure element defines a two-dimensional array of cells with individual colors. The plane in which the Cell Array 3 primitive lies is defined by three points, P, Q, and R, given in modeling coordinates (MC). A parallelogram is defined by the points P, Q, and R, and (QX+RX-PX, QY+RY-PY, QZ+RZ-PZ). This parallelogram is conceptually divided into a grid of DX by DY cells, where DX and DY are the dimensions of the color index array. The color of each cell is specified by the index of the corresponding element of the color index array. The color indexes are mapped from the two-dimensional cell array on a row-wise basis starting at corner P and proceeding to corner Q and so on. If an index is not present in the color table on a workstation, then the graPHIGS API uses an index value of 1 on that workstation.
When the graPHIGS API encounters an element of this type, it does a minimal simulation by drawing the transformed boundaries of the cell parallelogram using polyline color, a line width value of 1, and a line type of SOLID.
Language Bindings
pcell_array3 (paral, colr_array) |
PCA3 (cpxa, cpya, cpza, dimx, dimy, isc, isr, dx, dy, colia) |
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