This appendix provides an alphabetical listing of the UIL
arguments and their data types. Each argument name is the same as the
corresponding Motif Toolkit resource name. For information on which arguments
are supported for which objects and for the default values of arguments, see
the widget reference pages.
UIL Argument Name | Argument Type |
XmNaccelerator | string |
XmNacceleratorText | compound_string |
XmNaccelerators | translation_table |
XmNadjustLast | boolean |
XmNadjustMargin | boolean |
XmNalignment | unsigned char |
XmNallowOverlap | boolean |
XmNallowResize | boolean |
XmNallowShellResize | boolean |
XmNancestorSensitive | boolean |
XmNapplyLabelString | compound_string |
XmNarmColor | color |
XmNarmPixmap | pixmap |
XmNarrowDirection | integer |
XmNarrowLayout | unsigned char |
XmNarrowOrientation | unsigned char |
XmNarrowSensitivity | integer |
XmNarrowSize | horizontal_float |
XmNarrowSpacing | horizontal_float |
XmNaudibleWarning | integer |
XmNautoDragModel | integer |
XmNautoShowCursorPosition | boolean |
XmNautoUnmanage | boolean |
XmNautomaticSelection | boolean |
XmNbackPageBackground | color |
XmNbackPageForeground | color |
XmNbackPageNumber | integer |
XmNbackPagePlacement | integer |
XmNbackPageSize | horizontal_float |
XmNbackground | color |
XmNbackgroundPixmap | pixmap |
XmNbaseHeight | vertical_float |
XmNbaseWidth | horizontal_float |
XmNbindingPixmap | pixmap |
XmNbindingType | integer |
XmNbindingWidth | horizontal_float |
XmNblinkRate | integer |
XmNborderColor | color |
XmNborderPixmap | pixmap |
XmNborderWidth | horizontal_float |
XmNbottomAttachment | integer |
XmNbottomOffset | vertical_float |
XmNbottomPosition | integer |
XmNbottomShadowColor | color |
XmNbottomShadowPixmap | pixmap |
XmNbottomWidget | widget_ref |
XmNbuttonCount | integer |
XmNbuttonFontList | font_table |
XmNbuttonRenderTable | widget_ref |
XmNbuttons | string_table |
XmNcancelButton | widget_ref |
XmNcancelLabelString | compound_string |
XmNcascadePixmap | pixmap |
XmNchildHorizontalAlignment | integer |
XmNchildHorizontalSpacing | horizontal_float |
XmNchildPlacement | integer |
XmNchildType | integer |
XmNchildVerticalAlignment | integer |
XmNcollapsedStatePixmap | pixmap |
XmNcolormap | identifier |
XmNcolumns | short |
XmNcomboBoxType | integer |
XmNcommand | compound_string |
XmNcommandWindow | widget_ref |
XmNcommandWindowLocation | integer |
XmNcreatePopupChildProc | any |
XmNcurrentPageNumber | integer |
XmNcursorPosition | integer |
XmNcursorPositionVisible | boolean |
XmNdarkThreshold | integer |
XmNdecimal | string |
XmNdecimalPoints | integer |
XmNdefaultArrowSensitivity | integer |
XmNdefaultButton | widget_ref |
XmNdefaultButtonShadowThickness | horizontal_float |
XmNdefaultButtonType | integer |
XmNdefaultFontList | font_table |
XmNdefaultPixmapResolution | unsigned short |
XmNdefaultPosition | boolean |
XmNdeleteResponse | integer |
XmNdepth | identifier |
XmNdetail | string_table |
XmNdetailColumnHeading | string_table |
XmNdetailColumnHeadingCount | integer |
XmNdetailCount | integer |
XmNdetailOrder | integer_table |
XmNdetailOrderCount | integer |
XmNdetailTabList | widget_ref |
XmNdialogStyle | integer |
XmNdialogTitle | compound_string |
XmNdialogType | integer |
XmNdirListItemCount | integer |
XmNdirListItems | string_table |
XmNdirListLabelString | compound_string |
XmNdirMask | compound_string |
XmNdirSearchProc | any |
XmNdirSpec | compound_string |
XmNdirectory | compound_string |
XmNdirectoryValid | boolean |
XmNdoubleClickInterval | integer |
XmNeditMode | integer |
XmNeditable | boolean |
XmNeditingPath | integer |
XmNenableThinThickness | boolean |
XmNendJobCallback | XtCallbackList |
XmNentryAlignment | integer |
XmNentryBorder | horizontal_float |
XmNentryClass | class_rec_name |
XmNentryParent | widget_ref |
XmNentryVerticalAlignment | integer |
XmNentryViewType | integer |
XmNexpandedStatePixmap | pixmap |
XmNfileListItemCount | integer |
XmNfileListItems | XmStringTable |
XmNfileListLabelString | compound_string |
XmNfileSearchProc | any |
XmNfileTypeMask | integer |
XmNfillOnArm | boolean |
XmNfillOnSelect | boolean |
XmNfilterLabelString | compound_string |
XmNfirstPageNumber | integer |
XmNfont | font |
XmNfontList | font_table |
XmNfontName | string |
XmNfontType | integer |
XmNforeground | color |
XmNforegroundThreshold | integer |
XmNfractionBase | integer |
XmNframeBackground | color |
XmNframeChildType | integer |
XmNframeShadowThickness | horizontal_float |
XmNgeometry | string |
XmNheight | vertical_float |
XmNheightInc | vertical_float |
XmNhelpLabelString | compound_string |
XmNhighlightColor | color |
XmNhighlightOnEnter | boolean |
XmNhighlightPixmap | pixmap |
XmNhighlightThickness | horizontal_float |
XmNhistoryItemCount | integer |
XmNhistoryItems | string_table |
XmNhistoryMaxItems | integer |
XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount | integer |
XmNhorizontalScrollBar | widget_ref |
XmNhorizontalSpacing | horizontal_float |
XmNiconMask | pixmap |
XmNiconPixmap | pixmap |
XmNiconWindow | any |
XmNiconX | horizontal_float |
XmNiconY | vertical_float |
XmNincrement | integer |
XmNincrementValue | integer |
XmNindeterminatePixmap | pixmap |
XmNindicatorOn | integer |
XmNindicatorSize | horizontal_float |
XmNindicatorType | integer |
XmNinitialDelay | integer |
XmNinitialFocus | widget_ref |
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent | boolean |
XmNinitialState | integer |
XmNinput | boolean |
XmNinputMethod | string |
XmNinputPolicy | integer |
XmNinsertPosition | identifier |
XmNisAligned | boolean |
XmNisHomogeneous | boolean |
XmNitemCount | integer |
XmNitems | string_table |
XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy | integer |
XmNlabelFontList | font_table |
XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap | pixmap |
XmNlabelPixmap | pixmap |
XmNlabelRenderTable | widget_ref |
XmNlabelString | compound_string |
XmNlabelType | integer |
XmNlargeCellHeight | vertical_float |
XmNlargeCellWidth | horizontal_float |
XmNlargeIconMask | pixmap |
XmNlargeIconPixmap | pixmap |
XmNlargeIconX | horizontal_float |
XmNlargeIconY | vertical_float |
XmNlastPageNumber | integer |
XmNlayoutDirection | integer |
XmNlayoutType | integer |
XmNleftAttachment | integer |
XmNleftOffset | horizontal_float |
XmNleftPosition | integer |
XmNleftWidget | widget_ref |
XmNlightThreshold | integer |
XmNlist | widget |
XmNlistItemCount | integer |
XmNlistItems | string_table |
XmNlistLabelString | compound_string |
XmNlistMarginHeight | vertical_float |
XmNlistMarginWidth | horizontal_float |
XmNlistSizePolicy | integer |
XmNlistSpacing | horizontal_float |
XmNlistUpdated | boolean |
XmNlistVisibleItemCount | integer |
XmNloadModel | integer |
XmNmainWindowMarginHeight | vertical_float |
XmNmainWindowMarginWidth | horizontal_float |
XmNmajorTabSpacing | vertical_float |
XmNmappedWhenManaged | boolean |
XmNmappingDelay | integer |
XmNmargin | horizontal_float |
XmNmarginBottom | vertical_float |
XmNmarginHeight | dimension |
XmNmarginLeft | horizontal_float |
XmNmarginRight | horizontal_float |
XmNmarginTop | vertical_float |
XmNmarginWidth | dimension |
XmNmatchBehavior | integer |
XmNmaxAspectX | integer |
XmNmaxHeight | vertical_float |
XmNmaxLength | integer |
XmNmaxWidth | horizontal_float |
XmNmaximum | integer |
XmNmaximumValue | integer |
XmNmenuAccelerator | string |
XmNmenuBar | widget_ref |
XmNmenuHelpWidget | widget_ref |
XmNmenuHistory | widget_ref |
XmNmenuPost | string |
XmNmessageAlignment | integer |
XmNmessageString | compound_string |
XmNmessageWindow | widget_ref |
XmNminAspectX | integer |
XmNminAspectY | integer |
XmNminHeight | vertical_float |
XmNminWidth | horizontal_float |
XmNminimizeButtons | boolean |
XmNminimum | integer |
XmNminimumValue | integer |
XmNminorTabSpacing | vertical_float |
XmNmnemonic | keysym |
XmNmnemonic | keysym |
XmNmnemonicCharSet | string |
XmNmultiClick | integer |
XmNmustMatch | boolean |
XmNmwmDecorations | integer |
XmNmwmFunctions | integer |
XmNmwmInputMode | integer |
XmNmwmMenu | string |
XmNnavigationType | integer |
XmNnavigationType | integer |
XmNnoMatchString | compound_string |
XmNnoResize | boolean |
XmNnotebookChildType | integer |
XmNnumColumns | integer |
XmNnumValues | integer |
XmNoffsetModel | integer |
XmNokLabelString | compound_string |
XmNorientation | integer |
XmNoutlineButtonPolicy | integer |
XmNoutlineColumnWidth | horizontal_float |
XmNoutlineIndentation | horizontal_float |
XmNoutlineLineStyle | integer |
XmNoutlineState | integer |
XmNoverrideRedirect | boolean |
XmNpacking | integer |
XmNpageIncrement | integer |
XmNpageNumber | integer |
XmNpageSetupCallback | XtCallbackList |
XmNpaneMaximum | horizontal_float |
XmNpattern | compound_string |
XmNpdmNotificationCallback | XtCallbackList |
XmNpendingDelete | boolean |
XmNpopupEnabled | boolean |
XmNposition | integer |
XmNpositionIndex | integer |
XmNpositionMode | XtEnum |
XmNpositionType | unsigned char |
XmNpreeditType | string |
XmNprimaryOwnership | integer |
XmNprintOrientation | string |
XmNprintOrientations | string |
XmNprintResolution | unsigned int |
XmNprintResolutions | unsigned int* |
XmNprocessingDirection | integer |
XmNpromptString | compound_string |
XmNpushButtonEnabled | boolean |
XmNqualifySearchDataProc | any |
XmNradioAlwaysOne | boolean |
XmNradioBehavior | boolean |
XmNrecomputeSize | boolean |
XmNrefigureMode | boolean |
XmNrenderTable | widget_ref |
XmNrepeatDelay | integer |
XmNresizable | boolean |
XmNresizeHeight | boolean |
XmNresizePolicy | integer |
XmNresizeWidth | boolean |
XmNrightAttachment | integer |
XmNrightOffset | horizontal_float |
XmNrightPosition | integer |
XmNrightWidget | widget_ref |
XmNrowColumnType | integer |
XmNrows | short |
XmNrubberPositioning | boolean |
XmNsashHeight | horizontal_float |
XmNsashIndent | horizontal_float |
XmNsashShadowThickness | horizontal_float |
XmNsashWidth | horizontal_float |
XmNsaveUnder | boolean |
XmNscaleHeight | vertical_float |
XmNscaleMultiple | integer |
XmNscaleWidth | horizontal_float |
XmNscreen | identifier |
XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy | integer |
XmNscrollBarPlacement | integer |
XmNscrollHorizontal | boolean |
XmNscrollLeftSide | boolean |
XmNscrollTopSide | boolean |
XmNscrollVertical | boolean |
XmNscrolledWindowChildType | integer |
XmNscrolledWindowMarginHeight | integer |
XmNscrolledWindowMarginWidth | integer |
XmNscrollingPolicy | integer |
XmNselectColor | color |
XmNselectInsensitivePixmap | pixmap |
XmNselectPixmap | pixmap |
XmNselectThreshold | integer |
XmNselectedItem | compound_string |
XmNselectedItemCount | integer |
XmNselectedItems | string_table |
XmNselectedPosition | integer |
XmNselectedPositionCount | integer |
XmNselectedPositions | integer_table |
XmNselectionArray | integer_table |
XmNselectionArrayCount | integer |
XmNselectionLabelString | compound_string |
XmNselectionMode | integer |
XmNselectionPolicy | integer |
XmNselectionTechnique | integer |
XmNsensitive | boolean |
XmNseparatorOn | boolean |
XmNseparatorType | integer |
XmNset | integer |
XmNshadowThickness | horizontal_float |
XmNshadowType | integer |
XmNshellUnitType | integer |
XmNshowArrows | integer |
XmNshowAsDefault | integer |
XmNshowSeparator | boolean |
XmNshowValue | integer |
XmNskipAdjust | boolean |
XmNsliderSize | integer |
XmNsliderVisual | integer |
XmNslidingMode | integer |
XmNsmallCellHeight | vertical_float |
XmNsmallCellWidth | horizontal_float |
XmNsmallIconMask | pixmap |
XmNsmallIconPixmap | pixmap |
XmNsmallIconX | horizontal_float |
XmNsmallIconY | vertical_float |
XmNsnapBackMultiple | integer |
XmNsource | any |
XmNspacing | dimension |
XmNspatialIncludeModel | integer |
XmNspatialResizeModel | integer |
XmNspatialSnapModel | integer |
XmNspatialStyle | integer |
XmNspinBoxChildType | integer |
XmNstartJobCallback | XtCallbackList |
XmNstrikethruType | integer |
XmNstringDirection | integer |
XmNsubMenuId | widget_ref |
XmNsymbolPixmap | pixmap |
XmNtabValue | float |
XmNtag | string |
XmNtearOffModel | integer |
XmNtearOffTitle | string |
XmNtextAccelerators | translation_table |
XmNtextColumns | integer |
XmNtextField | widget |
XmNtextFontList | font_table |
XmNtextPath | integer |
XmNtextRenderTable | widget_ref |
XmNtextString | compound_string |
XmNtextTranslations | translation_table |
XmNtitle | string |
XmNtitleEncoding | any |
XmNtitleString | compound_string |
XmNtoggleMode | integer |
XmNtopAttachment | integer |
XmNtopCharacter | integer |
XmNtopItemPosition | integer |
XmNtopOffset | vertical_float |
XmNtopPosition | integer |
XmNtopShadowColor | color |
XmNtopShadowPixmap | pixmap |
XmNtopWidget | widget_ref |
XmNtotalLines | integer |
XmNtransient | boolean |
XmNtransientFor | widget_ref |
XmNtranslations | translation_table |
XmNtraversalOn | boolean |
XmNtroughColor | color |
XmNunderlineType | integer |
XmNunitType | integer |
XmNunselectColor | color |
XmNuseAsyncGeometry | boolean |
XmNuserData | any |
XmNvalue | any |
XmNvalueWcs | wide_character |
XmNvalues | string_table |
XmNverifyBell | boolean |
XmNverifyPreedit | boolean |
XmNverticalScrollBar | widget_ref |
XmNverticalSpacing | vertical_float |
XmNviewType | integer |
XmNvisibleItemCount | integer |
XmNvisibleWhenOff | boolean |
XmNvisual | any |
XmNvisualEmphasis | integer |
XmNvisualPolicy | integer |
XmNwaitForWm | boolean |
XmNwhichButton | integer |
XmNwidth | horizontal_float |
XmNwidthInc | horizontal_float |
XmNwinGravity | integer |
XmNwindowGroup | any |
XmNwmTimeout | integer |
XmNwordWrap | boolean |
XmNworkWindow | widget_ref |
XmNx | horizontal_float |
XmNy | vertical_float |