Indicates that no more references will be made to a virtual memory object obtained using the as_geth kernel service.
The as_puth kernel service is used to indicate that no more references will be made to the virtual memory object returned by a call to the as_geth kernel service. The virtual memory object must be detached from all address spaces it may have been attached to using the as_att or vm_att kernel services.
Failure to call the as_puth kernel service may result in resources being permanently unavailable for re-use.
If for some reason it is known that the virtual memory object cannot be deleted, the as_getsrval kernel service may be used instead of the as_geth kernel service. This kernel service does not require that the as_puth kernel service be used. This service can also be called from the interrupt environment.
The as_puth kernel service can be called from the process environment only.
The as_puth kernel service always succeeds and returns nothing.
The as_geth kernel service is part of the Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.
The getadsp kernel service, as_att kernel service, vm_att kernel service, as_geth kernel service, and as_getsrval kernel service.