/* vlsi.c
A simple vlsi graphical editor. RIGHTMOUSE clears the screen. LEFTMOUSE picks the current color from one of 4 in the bottom left-hand corner, and draws the rectangles. To draw, hold down LEFTMOUSE on the point where you want one of the four corners of the rectangle to be, and then move the mouse to the opposite corner of the rectangle you want to specify, BEFORE you let go of the LEFTMOUSE. */
#include <gl/gl.h> #include <gl/device.h>
main() {
register i; Device dummy, xend, yend, xstart, ystart, type; short wm;
prefposition(0, XMAXSCREEN-50, 0, YMAXSCREEN-50); winopen("vlsi"); save_cmap(); mapcolor(0, 255, 255, 255); /* WHITE */ mapcolor(1, 0, 0, 255); /* BLUE */ mapcolor(2, 0, 255, 0); /* RED */ mapcolor(3, 0, 150, 255); /* PURPLE */ mapcolor(4, 255, 0, 0); /* GREEN */ mapcolor(5, 150, 0, 255); /* LIGHT BLUE */ mapcolor(6, 255, 255, 0); /* YELLOW */ mapcolor(7, 150, 100, 0); /* BROWN */ for (i = 8; i < 24; i++) mapcolor(i, 0, 0, 0); /* BLACK */ for (i = 24; i < 32; i++) mapcolor(i, 255, 255, 255); /* WHITE */ qdevice(LEFTMOUSE); tie(LEFTMOUSE, MOUSEX, MOUSEY); qdevice(MIDDLEMOUSE); tie(MIDDLEMOUSE, MOUSEX, MOUSEY); qdevice(RIGHTMOUSE); qdevice(KEYBD); setcursor(0, 16, 16); restart(); while (TRUE) switch (type = qread(&dummy)) { case KEYBD: restore_cmap(); greset(); gexit(); exit(0); case RIGHTMOUSE: qread(&dummy); restart(); break; case MIDDLEMOUSE: case LEFTMOUSE: qread(&xstart); qread(&ystart); if (xstart < 60) { if (10 <= xstart && xstart <= 50) { if (10 <= ystart && ystart <= 50) wm = 1; else if (60 <= ystart && ystart <= 100) wm = 2; else if (110 <= ystart && ystart <= 150) wm = 4; else if (160 <= ystart && ystart <= 200) wm = 8; writemask(wm); qread(&dummy); qread(&dummy); qread(&dummy); }
} else { qread(&dummy); qread(&xend); qread(¥d); if (xend > 60) { if (type == LEFTMOUSE) color(31); /* draw */ else color(0); /* erase */ rectfi(xstart, ystart, xend, yend); } } }
restart() {
writemask(0xfff); color(0); clear(); color(1); rectfi(10, 10, 50, 50); color(2); rectfi(10, 60, 50, 100); color(4); rectfi(10, 110, 50, 150); color(8); rectfi(10, 160, 50, 200); move2i(60, 0); draw2i(60, 767); color(31); writemask(0);
/*This saves the colormap*/ #define lo_end 0 #define hi_end 255 short *CarrayR, *CarrayG, *CarrayB;
save_cmap() { CarrayR = calloc (lo_end+hi_end,sizeof(short)); CarrayG = calloc (lo_end+hi_end,sizeof(short)); CarrayB = calloc (lo_end+hi_end,sizeof(short));
getmcolors ((Int16 const)lo_end,(Int16 const)hi_end, CarrayR, CarrayG, CarrayB); }
/*This restores the colormap*/ restore_cmap() { mapcolors ((Int16 const)lo_end,(Int16 const)hi_end, CarrayR, CarrayG, CarrayB); } /* Changes: - Added the restoring of the colormap */
The greset subroutine, tie subroutine, writemask subroutine.