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The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Understanding Concepts

About This Book


The graPHIGS(x) Application Programming Interface will be referred to in this guide as the graPHIGS API(x) or the API(x)


This guide helps you understand the use of the graPHIGS API functions in your application to create, display, and interact with graphics data. It contains two parts: basic and advanced. Part 1 describes the basics of using the graPHIGS API and is especially suited for a first time user of the graPHIGS API Included in every chapter of the Basic section are sample FORTRAN subroutines to give you hands-on experience with the graPHIGS API applications. For the experienced graPHIGS API programmer, Part 2 offers advanced functions and capabilities to further enhance your application program. It also expands upon some of the concepts introduced in Part 1. Used in conjunction with other graPHIGS API publications, this guide will help you create complete graphics application programs.

For information on how to write, compile, and execute programs in each language supported by the graPHIGS API, refer to The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Writing Applications In addition, you can obtain further information about each subroutine, its syntax, and the content of its parameters in The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Subroutine Reference and The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Technical Reference                


The graPHIGS API provides an interactive tutorial designed to teach basic graPHIGS concepts to new developers. Experienced developers will also find the tutorial useful for previewing scenarios before actually coding them.

The graPHIGS tutorial contains the following ten lessons:

  1. Structures and Structure Elements
  2. Simple Structure Editing
  3. Modeling Transformations
  4. Structure Hierarchies
  5. 2D Viewing
  6. 3D Viewing
  7. Name Set Mechanism
  8. Input Devices
  9. Pick Device
  10. Display Functions

For more instructions see the README file in the subdirectory


The graPHIGS API Library

Following are the publications in the graPHIGS API library:

System Management

General Information

Program Development

Program Service

Related Publications

Publications that relate to this product include:

The graPHIGS Programming Interface



You can order these publications from your sales representative or from your poi nt of sale.

To order additional copies of this book, use order number SC33-8130.

Use AIX and Related Products Documentation Overview for additional information on related publications and how to obtain them. The AIX and Related Products Documentation Overview is available:

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