When two mnemonics are listed after a given subroutine name, the first is FORTRAN and the one following is FORTRAN Subset.
Add Names to Set | PADS (n , namset ) |
Annotation Text Relative | PATR
, rpy
, apx
, chars
PATRS (rpx , rpy , apx , apy , lstr , chars ) |
Annotation Text Relative 3 | PATR3
, rpy
, rpz
, apy
, apz
PATR3S (rpx , rpy , rpz , apx , apy , apz , lstr , chars ) |
Application Data | PAP (ldr , datrec ) |
Archive All Structures | PARAST (afid ) |
Archive Structure Networks | PARSN (afid , n , lstrid ) |
Archive Structures | PARST (afid , n , lstrid ) |
Await Event | PWAIT (tout , wkid , icl , idnr ) |
Build Transformation Matrix | PBLTM (x0 , y0 , dx , dy , phi , fx , fy , errind , xfrmt ) |
Build Transformation Matrix 3 | PBLTM3 (x0 , y0 , z0 , dx , dy , dz , phix , phiy , phiz , fx , fy , fz , errind , xfrmt ) |
Cell Array | PCA (px , py , qx , qy , dimx , dimy , isc , isr , dx , dy , colia ) |
Cell Array 3 | PCA3 (cpxa , cpya , cpza , dimx , dimy , isc , isr , dx , dy , colia ) |
Change Structure Identifier | PCSTID (oldsid , newsid ) |
Change Structure Identifier and References | PCSTIR (oldsid , newsid ) |
Change Structure References | PCSTRF (oldsid , newsid ) |
Close Archive File | PCLARF (afid ) |
Close Structure | PCLST |
Close Workstation | PCLWK (wkid ) |
Compose Matrix | PCOM (xfrmta , xfrmtb , errind , xfrmto ) |
Compose Matrix 3 | PCOM3 (xfrmta , xfrmtb , errind , xfrmto ) |
Compose Transformation Matrix | PCOTM (xfrmti , x0 , y0 , dx , dy , phi , fx , fy , errind , xfrmto ) |
Compose Transformation Matrix 3 | PCOTM3 (xfrmti , x0 , y0 , z0 , dx , dy , dz , phix , phiy , phiz , fx , fy , fz , errind , xfrmto ) |
Copy All Elements from Structure | PCELST (strid ) |
Delete All Structures | PDAS |
Delete All Structures from Archive | PDASAR (afid ) |
Delete Element | PDEL |
Delete Element Range | PDELRA (ep1 , ep2 ) |
Delete Elements Between Labels | PDELLB (label1 , label2 ) |
Delete Structure | PDST (strid ) |
Delete Structure Network | PDSN (strid , refhnf ). |
Delete Structure Networks from Archive | PDSNAR (afid , n , lstrid ) |
Delete Structures from Archive | PDSTAR (afid , n , lstrid ) |
Element Search | PELS (strid , strtep , srcdir , eisn , eis , eesn , ees , errind , status , fndep ) ELESEA. |
Emergency Close PHIGS | PECLPH |
Empty Structure | PEMST (strid ) |
Error Handling | PERHND (errnr , fctid , errfil ) |
Error Logging | PERLOG (errnr , fctid , errfil ) |
Escape | PESC (fctid , lidr , idr , mlodr , lodr , odr ) |
Evaluate View Mapping Matrix | PEVMM (vwwnlm , pjvplm , errind , vwmpmt ) |
Evaluate View Mapping Matrix 3 | PEVMM3 (vwwnlm , pjvplm , pjtype , pjrx , pjry , pjrz , vpld , bpld , fpld , errind , vwmpmt ) |
Evaluate View Orientation Matrix | PEVOM (vwrx , vwry , vupx , vupy , errind , vwormt ) |
Evaluate View Orientation Matrix 3 | PEVOM3 (vwrx , vwry , vwrz , vpnx , vpny , vpnz , vupx , vupy , vupz , errind , vwormt ) |
Execute Structure | PEXST (strid ) |
Fill Area | PFA (n , pxa , pya ) |
Fill Area 3 | PFA3 (n , pxa , pya , pza ) |
Fill Area Set | PFAS (npl , ixa , pxa , pya ,) |
Fill Area Set 3 | PFAS3 (npl , ixa , pxa , pya , pza ) |
Flush Device Events | PFLUSH (wkid , icl , idnr ) |
Generalized Drawing Primitive | PGDP (n , pxa , pya , primid , ldr , datrec ) |
Generalized Drawing Primitive 3 | PGDP3 (n , pxa , pya , pza , primid , ldr , datrec ) |
Generalized Structure Element | PGSE (gseid , ldr , datrec ) |
Get Choice | PGTCH (stat , chnr ) |
Get Locator | PGTLC (viewi , lpx , lpy ) |
Get Locator 3 | PGTLC3 (viewi , lpx , lpy , lpz ) |
Get Pick | PGTPK (ippd , stat , ppd , pp ) |
Get String | PGTST
, str
PGTST (lostr , str ) |
Get Stroke | PGTSK (n , viewi , np , pxa , pya ) |
Get Stroke 3 | PGTSK3 (n , viewi , np , pxa , pya , pza ) |
Get Valuator | PGTVL (val ) |
Initialize Choice | PINCH (wkid , chdnr , istat , ichnr , pet , xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax , ldr , datrec ) |
Initialize Choice 3 | PINCH3 (wkid , chdnr , istat , ichnr , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Initialize Locator | PINLC (wkid , lcdnr , iviewi , ipx , ipy , pet , xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax , ldr , datrec ) |
Initialize Locator 3 | PINLC3 (wkid , lcdnr , iviewi , ipx , ipy , ipz , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Initialize Pick | PINPK (wkid , pkdnr , istat , ippd , pp , pet , xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax , ldr , datrec , ppordr ) |
Initialize Pick 3 | PINPK3 (wkid , pkdnr , istat , ippd , pp , pet , evol , ldr , datrec , ppordr ) |
Initialize String | PINST
, stdnr
, lstr
, ymin
, ymax
, datrec
PINST (wkid , stdnr , lstr , istr , pet , xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax , ldr , datrec ) |
Initialize String 3 | PINST3
, stdnr
, lstr
, datrec
PINST3 (wkid , stdnr , lstr , istr , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Initialize Stroke | PINSK (wkid , skdnr , iviewi , n , ipx , ipy , pet , xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax , ldr , datrec ) |
Initialize Stroke 3 | PINSK3 (wkid , skdnr , iviewi , n , ipx , ipy , ipz , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Initialize Valuator | PINVL (wkid , vldnr , ival , pet , xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax , ldr , datrec ) |
Initialize Valuator 3 | PINVL3 (wkid , vldnr , ival , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire All Conflicting Structures | PQCST (afid , n , errind , ol , ostrid ) |
Inquire Annotation Facilities | PQANF (wtype , n , errind , nas , as , nchh , minchh , maxchh ) |
Inquire Archive Files
PQARF (n , errind , number afid , arcfil ) |
Inquire Archive State Value
PQARS (arsta ) |
Inquire Choice Device State
PQCHS (wkid , chdnr , mldr , errind , mode , esw , istat , ichnr , pet , earea , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Choice Device State 3 | PQCHS3 (wkid , chdnr , mldr , errind , mode , esw , istat , ichnr , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Color Facilities | PQCF (wtype , errind , ncoli , cola , npci , cc ) |
Inquire Color Model | PQCMD (wkid , errind , cmodel ) |
Inquire Color Model Facilities | PQCMDF (wtype , n , errind , ol , cmod , dfcmod ) |
Inquire Color Representation | PQCR (wkid , coli , ccsbsz , type , errind , ol , cspec ) |
Inquire Conflict Resolution | PQCNRS (errind , arccr , retcr ) |
Inquire Conflicting Structures in Network | PQCSTN (afid , strid , snsrc , n , errind , ol , ostrid ) |
Inquire Current Element Content | PQCECO
, irl
, errind
, il
, rl
, ra
, lstr
, str
PQCECO (iil , irl , isl , errind , il , ia , rl , ra , sl , lstr , str ) |
Inquire Current Element Type and Size | PQCETS (erringd , eltype , il , rl , sl ) |
Inquire Default Choice Device Data | PQDCH (wtype , devno , n , mldr , errind , malt , ol , pet , earea , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Default Choice Device Data 3 | PQDCH3 (wtype , devno , n , mldr , errind , malt , ol , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Default Display Update State | PQDDUS (wtype , errind , defmod , modmod ) |
Inquire Default Locator Device Data | PQDLC (wtype , devno , n , mldr , errind , dpx , dpy , ol , pet , earea , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Default Locator Device Data 3 | PQDLC3 (wtype , devno , n , mldr , errind , dpx , dpy , dpz , ol , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Default Pick Device Data | PQDPK (wtype , devno , n , mldr , errind , ol , pet , earea , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Default Pick Device Data 3 | PQDPK3 (wtype , devno , n , mldr , errind , ol , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Default String Device Data | PQDST (wtype , devno , n , mldr , errind , mbuff , ol , pet , earea , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Default String Device Data 3 | PQDST3 (wtype , devno , n , mldr , errind , mbuff , ol , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Default Stroke Device Data | PQDSK (wtype , devno , n , mldr , errind , mbuff , ol , pet , earea , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Default Stroke Device Data 3 | PQDSK3 (wtype , devno , n , mldr , errind , mbuff , ol , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Default Valuator Device Data | PQDVL (wtype , devno , n , mldr , errind , dval , ol , pet , earea , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Default Valuator Device Data 3 | PQDVL3 (wtype , devno , n , mldr , errind , dval , ol , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Display Space Size | PQDSP (wtype , errind , dcunit , dx , dy , rx , ry ) |
Inquire Display Space Size 3 | PQDSP3 (wtype , errind , dcunit , dx , dy , dz , rx , ry , rz ) |
Inquire Display Update State | PQDUS (wkid , errind , defmod , modmod , dempty , stofvr ) |
Inquire Dynamics of Structures | PQDSTR (wtype , errind , strcon , post , unpost , delete , refmod ) |
Inquire Dynamics of Workstation Attributes | PQDSWA (wtype , errind , plbun , pmbun , txbun , inbun , edbun , parep , colrep , vwrep , wktr , hlfltr , infltr , hlhsr ) |
Inquire Edge Facilities | PQEDF (wtype , n , errind , nedt , edt , nedw , nomedw , redwmn , npedi ) |
Inquire Edge Representation | PQEDR (wkid , edi , type , errind , edflag , edtype , ewidth , coli ) |
Inquire Edit Mode | PQEDM (errind , editmo ) |
Inquire Element Content | PQECO
, elenum
, irl
, isl
, il
, ia
, ra
, sl
, str
PQECO (strid , elenum , iil , irl , isl , errind , il , ia , rl , ra , sl , lstr , str ) |
Inquire Element Pointer | PQEP (errind , ep ) |
Inquire Element Type and Size | PQETS (strid , elenum , errind , eltype , il , rl , sl ) |
Inquire Error Handling Mode | PQERHM (errind , erhm ) |
Inquire Generalized Drawing Primitive | PQGDP (wtype , gdp , errind , nbnd , bndl ) |
Inquire Generalized Drawing Primitive 3 | PQGDP3 (wtype , gdp , errind , nbnd , bndl ) |
Inquire Generalized Structure Element Facilities | PQGSEF (n , errind , ol , gseid , wsdind ) |
Inquire Highlighting Filter | PQHLFT (wkid , isbsz , esbsz , errind , isn , is , esn , es ) |
Inquire HLHSR Identifier Facilities | PQHRIF (wtype , ni , errind , nhrid , hrid ) |
Inquire HLHSR Mode | PQHRM (wkid , errind , hupd , chrm , rhrm ) |
Inquire HLHSR Mode Facilities | PQHRMF (wtype , nm , errind , nhrmd , hrmd ) |
Inquire Input Queue Overflow | PQIQOV (errind , wkid , icl , idn ) |
Inquire Interior Facilities | PQIF (wtype , ni , nh , errind , nis , is , nhs , hs , npfai ) |
Inquire Interior Representation | PQIR (wkid , ii , type , errind , ints , istyli , coli ) |
Inquire Invisibility Filter | PQIVFT (wkid , isbsz , esbsz , errind , isn , is , esn , es ) |
Inquire List of Available Generalized Drawing Primitives | PQEGDP (wtype , n , errind , ngdp , gdpl ) |
Inquire List of Available Generalized Drawing Primitives 3 | PQEGD3 (wtype , n , errind , ngdp , gdpl ) |
Inquire List of Available Generalized Structure Elements | PQEGSE (wtype , n , errind , ngse , gsel ) |
Inquire List of Available Workstation Types | PQEWK (n , errind , number , wktyp ) |
Inquire List of Color Indices | PQECI (wkid , n , errind , ol , coli ) |
Inquire List of Edge Indices | PQEEDI (wkid , n , errind , ol , edi ) |
Inquire List of Interior Indices | PQEII (wkid , n , errind , ol , ii ) |
Inquire List of Pattern Indices | PQEPAI (wkid , n , errind , ol , pai ) |
Inquire List of Polyline Indices | PQEPLI (wkid , n , errind , ol , pli ) |
Inquire List of Polymarker Indicies | PQEPMI (wkid , n , errind , ol , pmi ) |
Inquire List of Text Indices | PQETXI (wkid , n , errind , ol , txi ) |
Inquire List of View Indices | PQEVWI (wkid , n , errind , nvwix , viewi ) |
Inquire Locator Device State | PQLCS (wkid , lcdnr , type , mldr , errind , mode , esw , iviewi , ipx , ipy , pet , earea , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Locator Device State 3 | PQLCS3 (wkid , lcdnr , type , mldr , errind , mode , esw , iviewi , ipx , ipy , ipz , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Modeling Clipping Facilities | PQMCLF (n ,errind , ndpmcv ,ol ,mclpop ) |
Inquire More Simultaneous Events | PQSIM (errind , flag ) |
Inquire Number of Available Logical Input Devices | PQLI (wtype , errind , nlcd , nskd , nvld , nchd , npkd , nstd ) |
Inquire Number of Display Priorities Supported | PQDP (wtype , errind , nspsup ) |
Inquire Open Structure | PQOPST (errind , stype , strid ) |
Inquire Paths to Ancestors | PQPAN (strid , pthord , pthdep , ipthsz , n , errind , ol , apthsz , paths ) |
Inquire Paths to Descendants | PQPDE (strid , pthord , pthdep , ipthsz , n , errind , ol , apthsz , paths ) |
Inquire Pattern Facilities | PQPAF (wtype , errind , nppai ) |
Inquire Pattern Representation | PQPAR (wkid , pai , type , dimx , dimy , errind , dx , dy , colia ) |
Inquire PHIGS Facilities | PQPHF (ncs , errind , simopw , simopa , namesn olcs , cs , nfln , ifln ) |
Inquire Pick Device State | PQPKS (wkid , pkdnr , type , mldr , ipissz , ipessz , ippsz , errind , mode , esw , pissz , pins , pessz , pes , istat , ppd , pp , pet , earea , ldr , datrec , ppordr ) |
Inquire Pick Device State 3 | PQPKS3 (wkid , pkdnr , type , mldr , ipissz , ipessz , ippsz , errind , mode , esw , pissz , pins , pessz , pes , istat , ppd , pp , pet , evol , ldr , datrec , ppordr ) |
Inquire Polyline Facilities | PQPLF (wtype , n , errind , nlt , lt , nlw , nomlw , rlwmin , rlwmax , nppli ) |
Inquire Polyline Representation | PQPLR (wkid , pli , type , errind , ltype , lwidth , coli ) |
Inquire Polymarker Facilities | PQPMF (wtype , n , errind , nmt , mt , nms , nomms , rmsmin , rmsmax , nppmi ) |
Inquire Polymarker Representation | PQPMR (wkid , pmi , type , errind , mtype , mszsf , coli ) |
Inquire Posted Structures | PQPOST (wkid , n , errind , number , strid , priort ) |
Inquire Predefined Color Representation | PQPCR (wtype , pci , ccsbsz , errind , ol , cspec ) |
Inquire Predefined Edge Representation | PQPEDR (wtype , pedi , errind , edflag , edtype , ewidth , coli ) |
Inquire Predefined Interior Representation | PQPIR (wtype , pii , errind , style , stylid , coli ) |
Inquire Predefined Pattern Representation | PQPPAR (wtype , ppai , dimx , dimy , errind , dx , dy , colia ) |
Inquire Predefined Polyline Representation | PQPPLR (wtype , pli , errind , ltype , lwidth , coli ) |
Inquire Predefined Polymarker Representation | PQPPMR (wtype , pmi , errind , mtype , mszsf , coli ) |
Inquire Predefined Text Representation | PQPTXR (wtype , ptxi , errind , font , prec , chxp , chsp , coli ) |
Inquire Predefined View Representation | PQPVWR (wtype , pvwi , errind , vwormt , vwmpmt , vwcplm , xyclpi , bclipi , fclipi ) |
Inquire Set of Open Workstations | PQOPWK (n , errind , ol , wkid ) |
Inquire Set of Workstations to Which Posted | PQWKPO (strid , n , errind , ol , wkid ) |
Inquire String Device State | PQSTS
, stdnr
, mldr
, mode
, esw
, lostr
, pet
, earea
, ldr
PQSTS (wkid , stdnr , mldr , errind , mode , esw , lostr , istr , pet , earea , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire String Device State 3 | PQSTS3
, stdnr
, mldr
, mode
, esw
, lostr
, pet
, evol
, ldr
PQSTS3 (wkid , stdnr , mldr , errind , mode , esw , lostr , istr , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Stroke Device State | PQSKS (wkid , skdnr , type , n , mldr , errind , mode , esw , iviewi , np , ipxa , ipya , pet , earea , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Stroke Device State 3 | PQSKS (wkid , skdnr , type , n , mldr , errind , mode , esw , iviewi , np , ipxa , ipya , ipza , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Structure Identifiers | PQSID (n , errind , number , strid ) |
Inquire Structure State Value | PQSTRS (strsta ) |
Inquire Structure Status | PQSTST (strid , errind , strsti ) |
Inquire System State Value | PQSYS (syssta ) |
Inquire Text Extent | PQTXX
, font
, chxp
, chh
, txp
, txalv
, errind
, txexrx
, copx
, copy
PQTXXS (wktype , font , chxp , chsp , chh , txp , txalh , txalv , lstr , str , errind , txexrx , txexry , copx , copy ) |
Inquire Text Facilities | PQTXF (wtype , n , errind , nfpp , font , prec , nchh , minchh , maxchh , nchx , minchx , maxchx , nptxi ) |
Inquire Text Representation | PQTXR (wkid , txi , type , errind , font , prec , chxp , chsp , coli ) |
Inquire Valuator Device State | PQVLS (wkid , vldnr , mldr , errind , mode , esw , ival , pet , earea , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire Valuator Device State 3 | PQVLS3 (wkid , vldnr , mldr , errind , mode , esw , ival , pet , evol , ldr , datrec ) |
Inquire View Facilities | PQVWF (wtype , errind , npvwi ) |
Inquire View Representation | PQVWR (wkid , viewi , curq , errind , vwupd , vwormt , vwmpmt , vwcplm , xyclpi , bclipi , fclipi ) |
Inquire Workstation Category | PQWKCA (wtype , errind , wkcat ) |
Inquire Workstation Classification | PQWKCL (wtype , errind , vrtype ) |
Inquire Workstation Connection and Type | PQWKC (wkid , errind , conid , wtype ) |
Inquire Workstation State Table Lengths | PQWKSL (wtype , errind , mplbte , mpmbte , mtxbte , minbte , medbte , mpai , mcoli , vwtbi ) |
Inquire Workstation State Value | PQWKST (wksta ) |
Inquire Workstation Transformation | PQWKT (wkid , errind , tus , rwindo , cwindo , rviewp , cviewp ) |
Inquire Workstation Transformation 3 | PQWKT3 (wkid , errind , tus , rwindo , cwindo , rviewp , cviewp ) |
Label | PLB (label ) |
Message | PMSG
, mess
PMSGS (wkid , lstr , mess ) |
Offset Element Pointer | POSEP (epo ) |
Open Archive File | POPARF (afid , arcfil ) |
Open PHIGS | POPPH (errfil , bufa ) |
Open Structure | POPST (strid ) |
Open Workstation | POPWK (wkid , conid , wtype ) |
Pack Data Record | PPREC
, ia
, rl
, sl
, lstr
, mldr
, errind
, datrec
PPREC (il , ia , rl , ra , sl , lstr , str , mldr , errind , ldr , datrec ) |
Polyline | PPL (n , pxa , pya ) |
Polyline 3 | PPL3 (n , pxa , pya , pza ) |
Polymarker | PPM (n , pxa , pya ) |
Polymarker 3 | PPM3 (n , pxa , pya , pza ) |
Post Structure | PPOST (wkid , strid , priort ) |
Redraw All Structures | PRST (wkid , cofl ) |
Remove Names from Set | PRES (n , namset ) |
Request Choice | PRQCH (wkid , chdnr , stat , chnr ) |
Request Locator | PRQLC (wkid , lcdnr , stat , viewi , px , py ) |
Request Locator 3 | PRQLC3 (wkid , lcdnr , stat , viewi , px , py , pz ) |
Request Pick | PRQPK (wkid , pkdnr , ippd , stat , ppd , pp ) |
Request String | PRQST
, stdnr
, stat
, str
PRQST (wkid , stdnr , stat , lostr , str ) |
Request Stroke | PRQSK (wkid , skdnr , n , stat , viewi , np , pxa , pya ) |
Request Stroke 3 | PRQSK3 (wkid , skdnr , n , stat , viewi , np , pxa , pya , pza ) |
Request Valuator | PRQVL (wkid , vldnr , stat , val ) |
Restore Modeling Clipping Volume | PRMCV |
Retrieve All Structures | PRAST (afid ) |
Retrieve Paths to Ancestors | PREPAN (afid , strid , pthord , pthdep , ipthsz , n , ol , apthsz , paths ) |
Retrieve Paths to Descendants | PREPDE (afid , strid , pthord , pthdep , ipthsz , n , ol , apthsz , paths ) |
Retrieve Structure Identifiers | PRSID (afid , ilsize , n , lstrid ) |
Retrieve Structure Networks | PRESN (afid , n , lstrid ) |
Retrieve Structures | PREST (afid , n , lstrid ) |
Rotate | PRO (rotang , errind , xfrmt ) |
Rotate X | PROX (rotang , errind , xfrmt ) |
Rotate Y | PROY (rotang , errind , xfrmt ) |
Rotate Z | PROZ (rotang , errind , xfrmt ) |
Sample Choice | PSMCH (wkid , chdnr , stat , chnr ) |
Sample Locator | PSMLC (wkid , lcdnr , viewi , lpx , lpy ) |
Sample Locator 3 | PSMLC3 (wkid , lcdnr , viewi , lpx , lpy , lpz ) |
Sample Pick | PSMPK (wkid , pkdnr , ippd , stat , ppd , pp ) |
Sample String | PSMST
, stdnr
, lostr
PSMST (wkid , stdnr , lostr , str ) |
Sample Stroke | PSMSK (wkid , skdnr , n , viewi , np , pxa , pya ) |
Sample Stroke 3 | PSMSK3 (wkid , skdnr , n , viewi , np , pxa , pya , pza ) |
Sample Valuator | PSMVL (wkid , vldnr , val ) |
Scale | PSC (fx , fy , errind , xfrmt ) |
Scale 3 | PSC3 (fx , fy , fz , errind , xfrmt ) |
Set Annotation Style | PSANS (astyle ) |
Set Annotation Text Alignment | PSATAL (atalh , atalv ,) |
Set Annotation Text Character Height | PSATCH (atchh ) |
Set Annotation Text Character Up Vector | PSATCU (atchux , atchuy ) |
Set Annotation Text Path | PSATP (atp ) |
Set Character Expansion Factor | PSCHXP (chxp ) |
Set Character Height | PSCHH (chh ) |
Set Character Spacing | PSCHSP (chsp ) |
Set Character Up Vector | PSCHUP (chux , chuy ) |
Set Choice Mode | PSCHM (wkid , chdnr , mode , esw ) |
Set Color Model | PSCMD (wkid , cmodel ) |
Set Color Representation | PSCR (wkid , ci , nccs , cspec ) |
Set Conflict Resolution | PSCNRS (arccr , retcr ) |
Set Display Update State | PSDUS (wkid , defmod , modmod ) |
Set Edge Color Index | PSEDCI (coli ) |
Set Edge Flag | PSEDFG (edflag ) |
Set Edge Index | PSEDI (edi ) |
Set Edge Representation | PSEDR (wkid , edi , edflag , edtype , ewidth , coli ) |
Set Edgetype | PSEDT (edtype ) |
Set Edgewidth Scale Factor | PSEWSC (ewidth ) |
Set Edit Mode | PSEDM (editmo ) |
Set Element Pointer | PSEP (ep ) |
Set Element Pointer at Label | PSEPLB (ep ) |
Set Error Handling Mode | PSERHM (erhm ) |
Set Global Transformation | PSGMT (xfrmt ) |
Set Global Transformation 3 | PSGMT3 (xfrmt ) |
Set Highlighting Filter | PSHLFT (wkid , isn , is , esn , es ) |
Set HLHSR Identifier | PSHRID (hrid ) |
Set HLHSR Mode | PSHRM (wkid , hrm ) |
Set Individual ASF | PSIASF (aspcid , asfval ) |
Set Interior Color Index | PSICI (coli ) |
Set Interior Index | PSII (ii ) |
Set Interior Representation | PSIR (wkid , ii , ints , styli , coli ) |
Set Interior Style | PSIS (ints ) |
Set Interior Style Index | PSISI (istyli ) |
Set Invisibility Filter | PSIVFT (wkid , isn , is , esn , es ) |
Set Linetype | PSLN (ltype ) |
Set Linewidth Scale Factor | PSLWSC (lwidth ) |
Set Local Transformation | PSLMT (xfrmt , ctype ) |
Set Local Transformation 3 | PSLMT3 (xfrmt , ctype ) |
Set Locator Mode | PSLCM (wkid , lcdnr , mode , esw ) |
Set Marker Size Scale Factor | PSMKSC (mszsf ) |
Set Marker Type | PSMK (mtype ) |
Set Modeling Clipping Indicator | PSMCLI (MCLIPI ) |
Set Modeling Clipping Volume | PSMCV (op ,nhalfs ,halfsp ) |
Set Modeling Clipping Volume 3 | PSMCV3 (op ,nhalfs ,halfsp ) |
Set Pattern Reference Point | PSPARF (rfx , rfy ) |
Set Pattern Reference Point and Vectors | PSPRPV (rfx , rfy , rfz , rfvx , rfvy , rfvz ) |
Set Pattern Representation | PSPAR (wkid , pai , dimx , dimy , isc , isr , dx , dy , colia ) |
Set Pattern Size | PSPA (szx , szy ) |
Set Pick Filter | PSPKFT (wkid , pkdnr , isn , is , esn , es ) |
Set Pick Identifier | PSPKID (pkid ) |
Set Pick Mode | PSPKM (wkid , pkdnr , mode , esw ) |
Set Polyline Color Index | PSPLCI (coli ) |
Set Polyline Index | PSPLI (pli ) |
Set Polyline Representation | PSPLR (wkid , pli , ltype , lwidth , coli ) |
Set Polymarker Color Index | PSPMCI (coli ) |
Set Polymarker Index | PSPMI (pmi ) |
Set Polymarker Representation | PSPMR (wkid , pmi , mtype , mszsf , coli ) |
Set String Mode | PSSTM (wkid , stdnr , mode , esw ) |
Set Stroke Mode | PSSKM (wkid , skdnr , mode , esw ) |
Set Text Alignment | PSTXAL (txalh , txalv ) |
Set Text Color Index | PSTXCI (coli ) |
Set Text Font | PSTXFN (font ) |
Set Text Index | PSTXI (txi ) |
Set Text Path | PSTXP (txp ) |
Set Text Precision | PSTXPR (prec ) |
Set Text Representation | PSTXR (wkid , txi , font , prec , chxp , chsp , coli ) |
Set Valuator Mode | PSVLM (wkid , vldnr , mode , esw ) |
Set View Index | PSVWI (viewi ) |
Set View Representation | PSVWR (wkid , viewi , vwormt , vwmpmt , vwcplm , xyclpi ) |
Set View Representation 3 | PSVWR3 (wkid , viewi , vwormt , vwmpmt , vwcplm , xyclpi , bclipi , fclipi ) |
Set View Transformation Input Priority | PSVTIP (wkid , viewi , rfvwix , relpri ) |
Set Workstation Viewport | PSWKV (wkid , xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax ) |
Set Workstation Viewport 3 | PSWKV3 (wkid , wkvp ) |
Set Workstation Window | PSWKW (wkid , xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax ) |
Set Workstation Window 3 | PSWKW3 (wkid , wkwn ) |
Text | PTX
, py
, chars
PTXS (px , py , lstr , chars ) |
Text 3 | PTX3
, py
, pz
, tdy
, tdz
PTX3S (px , py , pz tdx , tdy , tdz , lstr , chars ) |
Transform Point | PTP (xi , yi , xfrmt , errind , xo , yo ) |
Transform Point 3 | PTP3 (xi , yi , zi , xfrmt , errind , xo , yo , zo ) |
Translate | PTR (dx , dy , errind , xfrmt ) |
Translate 3 | PTR3 (dx , dy , dz , errind , xfrmt ) |
Unpack Data Record | PUREC
, datrec
, iil
, isl
, errind
, ia
, rl
, sl
, lstr
, str
PUREC (ldr , datrec , iil , irl , isl , errind , il , ia , rl , ra , sl , lstr , str ) |
Unpost All Structures | PUPAST (wkid ) |
Unpost Structure | PUPOST (wkid , strid ) |
Update Workstation | PUWK (wkid , regfl ) |