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AIX Version 4.3 Understanding the Diagnostic Subsystem for AIX

Definition of EXECTU()


Executes test unit (TU) bound into a Diagnostic Application (DA).


#include   <diag/tucb.h>
exectu ( TU_TYPE *tucb_ptr, TU_INFO_HANDLE *tu_handle, TU_RETURN_TYPE *tu_rc)


The exectu subroutine runs an TU referenced by the test unit control block. The test units are normally built and packaged as a loadable library. The device to be tested by the test unit is referenced by a character-string designator indicating the device instance.


tucb_ptr Pointer to the test-unit control block. This structure is defined in diag/tucb.h file.
typedef struct tucb_t {
            char  *resource_name;
            TU_INPUT_TYPE parms;
      } TU_TYPE;

where TU_INPUT_TYPE is as follows:

typedef struct tucb_in_t {
            ulong tu;
            ulong loop;
            OUTPUT_DATA *data_log;
            ulong data_log_length;
            INPUT_DATA *tu_data;
            ulong tu_data_length;
            FILE *msg_file;
tu Test-unit number of the test unit to run.
loop Indicates the number of times the test unit should be run provided that an error does not occur.
data_log Error details log and or output data log. This log is device specific and is defined by the {device}_output_data.h file. It should point to an empty array of structures and then filled in with output or error detail data by the test unit(s). This parameter should be initialized by the calling application if intended to be used.
data_log_length Size of the data_log structure. This field is used when passing the tucb data to a remote managing application. This number is initialized by the calling application by calculating the size of the data structure to be filled in and multiplying it by the number of records to be logged. The test unit calculates the number of records by dividing this number by the size of the intended OUTPUT_DATA structure to be used. A data_log_length value of zero results in no data being logged to the data_log.
tu_data Input parameter to be used to pass extra input data to the test units. This parameter must only be used as special case scenarios. It is intended for special applications such as manufacturing or hardware exercisers.
tu_data_length Size of the tu_data structure. This field is used when passing the tucb data to a remote managing application. This number is initialized by the calling application by calculating the size of the data structure to be filled in and multiplying it by the number of records to be logged. The test unit calculates the number of data records by dividing this number by the size of the intended INPUT_DATA structure to be used.
tu_handle Pointer to a block of data that the TUs need to have persist between subsequent calls to the TU library. Content and layout of the persistent data is a decision left to the TU writer, but there are certain data structures which should be kept here, as described in the next section. Pointer variable is defined in the diagnostic application, but it is set by TU_OPEN to point to a memory buffer allocated by the TU_OPEN code. This structure is defined in diag/tucb.h file.
tu_rc Pointer to the test-unit control block return code structure. This structure is defined in diag/tucb.h file.
     typedef struct tucb_out_t {
                ulong                  major_rc;
                ulong                  minor_rc;
                ulong                  actual_loop;
                ulong                  data_log_length;
                ulong                  severity;
major_rc Major return code. Used for FRU isolation.
minor_rc Minor return code. Used for more granular detailed fault isolation.
actual_loop Indicates the number of times the test unit ran.
data_log_length Returns the total number of data log records that have been recorded.
severity Indicates the severity of a diagnostic failure.

Return Value

The major_rc return code is defined as the output from a test unit. This is the same value contained in the TU_RETURN_TYPE structure.

Upon successful completion with no failure, a value of 0 should be returned in the major_rc field.

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