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AIX Version 4.3 Understanding the Diagnostic Subsystem for AIX

Data Dictionary

This section describes the data structures used by PDIAGEX.


The pdiagex_dds_t structure defines the device driver structure (dds) for PDIAGEX. The pdiagex_dds_t structure must be initialized with attributes for the resource before calling pdiag_open(). The pdiagex_dds_t structure is defined in /usr/include/sys/pdiagex_dds.h and contains the following fields:

/*    This structure MUST be filled in by the Calling Application (TU) 
/*    This structure is passed to pdiagex in the pdiag_open() routine 
typedef struct {
   uint32       slot_num;          /* slot number of adapter 
   /* BUS DATA  */
   uint32       bus_id;            /* Identifies the I/O bus that the DMA   
                                   /* channel is to be allocated on.  
   uint32       bus_type;          /* BUS_MICRO_CHANNEL, BUS_60X or BUS_BID
   uint32       bus_io_addr;       /* Base address of Bus I/O area
   uint32       bus_io_length;     /* Length (width) of Bus I/O area   
   uint32       bus_mem_addr;      /* Base address of Shared Bus Memory area
   uint32       bus_mem_length;    /* Length (width) of Shared Bus Memory area
   /* DMA  /
   /* Next three are for BUS_MICRO_CHANNEL devices only  */
   uint32       dma_bus_mem;       /* Base address of Bus Memory DMA area  
   uint32       dma_bus_length;    /* Length (multiple of PAGESIZE) of BUS  
                                   /* Memory DMA area in bytes.            
   uint32       dma_lvl;           /* Bus arbitration level                
   uint32       maxmaster;         /* maximum number of concurrent 
                                   /* dma_master calls                     
   uint32       dma_flags;         /* DMA flags as defined in sys/dma.h.  
                                   /* These flags describe what actions to
                                   /* take ( master/slave, initialize the  
                                /* channel, etc. Not used by 60X type devices)         
   /* dma_bus_flags is for BUS_BID devices only */
   uint32       dma_bus_flags;     /* Bus flags specific for DMA operation  
   uint32       dma_chan_id;       /* For BUS_MICRO_CHANNEL  
                                   /* Dma channel ID is returned as a result
                                   /* of the DMA initialization.          
                                   /* For BUS_BID                           
                                   /* Dma channel ID is the assigned DMA 
                                   /* channel for the device.              
                                   /* For BUS_60X                           
                                   /* Dma channel ID is not used        
   /* Interrupt Handler                            */
   pdiag_addr_t data_ptr;          /* Pointer for passing data to interrupt
   uint32       d_count;           /* Count of bytes of data for interrupt 
   uint32       bus_intr_lvl;      /* Interrupt level                     
   uint32       intr_priority;     /* Interrupt priority                    
   uint32       intr_flags;        /* Interrupt flags as defined in intr.h 
   /* Attribute Expansion Area  */
   pdiag_addr_t attributes;        /* Pointer to specific attributes 


The pdiagex_opflags_t structure defines the device operations to be used. The pdiagex_opflags_t structure is defined in /usr/include/sys/pdiagex_dds.h and consists of the following:

/*  PDIAGEX_OPFLAGS_T                                                   
/*     This structure MUST be filled in by the Calling Application (TU) 
/*     This structure is used for Read and Write Operations             
typedef struct {
   uint32       memio;            /* Type of Memory Operation                                                   /*PDIAG_MEM_OP,PDIAG_IO_OP,PDIAG_POS_OP
   uint32       count;            /* Number of accesses to perform        
   uint32       addr_incr_flag;   /* Flag that determines whether the data
                                  /* buffer address and/or the offset     
                                  /* address gets incremented on each of 
                                  /* count accesses.                     
                                  /* PDIAG_SING_LOC_ACC or   
                                  /* PDIAG_SING_LOC_HW   or   
                                  /* PDIAG_SING_LOC_BUF  or   
                                  /* PDIAG_MULT_LOC_ACC      
   uint32       intr_level;       /* Indicates which environment the 
                                  /* calling application is in.          
                                  /* PROCLEV or INTRKMEM or INTRPMEM     
   struct timestruc_t *times;     /* Address of times structure, NULL if  
                                  /* not used.                           
} pdiagex_opflags_t;


The dma_struct structure defines the DMA structure used by PDIAGEX. The dma_struct structure is defined in /usr/include/sys/pdiagex_sys.h and contains the following fields:

typedef struct dmast {
                  struct dmast *next;
                  int   firsttcw;  /* first TCW used (micro channel only) */
                  int   last_tcw;  /* last  TCW used (micro channel only) */
                  int   dma_flags; /* see /usr/include/sys/dma.h */
                  uchar *baddr;    /* address of the host buffer to DMA                                                               to/from */
                  uchar *daddr;    /*Phys addr in DMAbus_mem, from
                  uint  count;     /* size of the DMA data in bytes */
                  struct xmem dp;  /* Cross Memory descriptor of baddr */
                  char  pinned;    /* NonZero if DMA buffer was pinned */
                  char  xmattached;  /* NonZero if DMA buffer was                                                                    CrossMemAttached */
                  char  in_use;    /* TRUE if this linked list member is                                                               valid */
                } dma_info_t;
next Pointer to the next dma_info_t structure in an 'in_use' list.
firsttcw (Micro Channel devices Only) first page of pdiagex_dds_t.dma_bus_mem used by an active DMA master/slave operation.
last_tcw (Micro Channel devices Only) last page of pdiagex_dds_t.dma_bus_mem used by an active DMA master/slave operation.
dma_flags DMA flags as defined in <sys/dma.h>. These flags describe what actions to take (such as, master/slave transfer, initialize the DMA channel, and so on).
*baddr Address of memory buffer for transfer.
*daddr Address used to program the DMA master.
count Size (in bytes) of the DMA transfer.
dp Address of cross-memory descriptor.
pinned Nonzero if DMA buffer was pinned.
xmattached Nonzero if DMA buffer was cross-memory attached.
in_use Flag for determining if DMA buffer is valid for transfer.


The AIOO_STRUCT_T structure defines the allocations, initializations, and outstanding operations for each handle. This provides a mechanism for error-recovery cleanup, cleanup of outstanding operations during a close, and general protection from the application. Common code may also be used for cleanup operations.

/* Allocation/Initialization/OutstandingOperations Binary Flags Structure */
                   typedef struct {
                     uint AllocIntrptDataMem : 1;
                     uint AllocDmaAreaMem    : 1;
                     uint CopyDDS            : 1;
                     uint CopyIntrptEnt      : 1;
                     uint PinIntrptFunct     : 1;
                     uint PinUIntrptData     : 1;
                     uint PinDiagExt         : 1;
                     uint InitIntrptChan     : 1;
                     uint InitDmaChan        : 1;
                     uint XmatUIntrptData    : 1;
                  } aioo_struct_t;
AllocIntrptDataMem Nonzero if Interrupt data area allocated.
AllocDmaAreaMem Nonzero if DMA data area allocated.
CopyDDS Nonzero if DDS data was copied to handle.
CopyIntrptEnt Nonzero if Intrpt function was in Kernel.
PinIntrptFunct Nonzero if Intrpt function was pinned.
PinUIntrptData Nonzero if Intrpt data area was pinned.
PinDiagExt Nonzero if Pinned PDIAGEX Extension.
InitIntrptChan Nonzero if Intrpt channel was initialized.
InitDmaChan Nonzero if DMA channel was initialized.
XmatUIntrptData Nonzero if Intrpt data area was XMattached.


The diag_struc_t structure defines the complete data structure returned in the handle for the pdiag_open() call. This structure holds all the needed information for all the other PDIAGEX function calls.

typedef struct handl {
                   struct intr        intr;
                   struct              handl *next;
                   int                 (*intr_func)();
                   uchar               *intr_data;>
                   struct xmem         udata_dp;
                   diagex_dds_t        dds;
                   struct timestruc_t  itime;
                   struct timestruc_t  ntime;
                   dma_info_t          *dma_info;
                   aioo_struct_t       aioo;
                   char                *scratch_pad;
                   uint                sleep_flag;
                   uint                sleep_word;
                   uint                flag_word;
                   struct watchdog wdt;
                   struct d_handle * dhandle;
                   dma_dio            * dio_st;
                   uint                   timeout;
                } diag_struc_t;
intr Interrupt handler structure as defined in <sys/intr.h>. Needs to be first parameter in diag_struc_t.
(*intr_func)() Pointer to user's interrupt handler.
*intr_data Pointer to interrupt data.
udata_dp Address of cross-memory descriptor for interrupt data.
dds Structure that contains the device driver structure (dds) information for PDIAGEX. See the diagex_dds structure defined above.
itime Time elapsed for interrupts. Updated at interrupts.
ntime Time elapsed for read or write operations. Updated at reads or writes.
*dma_info Pointer to dma_info_t structure which allows multiple DMA operations. See the dma_info_t structure defined above.
aioo Set of flags for Allocations, Initializations, and Outstanding Operations.
scratch_pad PIO scratch pad for large transfers.
sleep_flag pdiag_dd_watch_for_interrupt() sets this flag to TRUE if it is sleeping and waiting for the application's interrupt handler to call pdiag_dd_interrupt_notify(). This flag is initialized to FALSE and will be set to FALSE after pdiag_dd_watch_for_interrupt() wakes up.

>The application's interrupt handler should use this word to determine whether to 'wakeup' pdiag_dd_watch_for_interrupt(). This flag should not be modified by the application's interrupt handler.

sleep_word pdiag_dd_watch_for_interrupt() sleeps on this word until the application's interrupt handler calls pdiag_dd_interrupt_notify() using this word.

This word should not be modified by the application's interrupt handler.

flag_word This flag is defined by the application and should be set by the application's interrupt handler to specify certain interrupt conditions. The application may call pdiag_dd_watch_for_interrupt(), specifying a flag_mask which will be bitwise ANDed with this flag_word. When this AND operation produces a nonzero result and pdiag_dd_watch_for_interrupt() is awake, pdiag_dd_watch_for_interrupt() will return.
wdt This is the watchdog timer used by the timeout function.
dhandle Structure returned by D_MAP_INIT macro which is called in the pdiag_open() function. This handle is used to issue DMA operations to rspc type systems.
dio_st Pointer to a DIO structure used in DMA operations.
timeout True if watchdog timer expired.

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