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AIX Version 4.3 Understanding the Diagnostic Subsystem for AIX

getdavar, putdavar


Gets and puts persistent variables.


#include    <diag/diag.h>
int getdavar ( dname, vname, vtype, val )
char  *dname, *vname, *val;
unsigned short vtype;

int putdavar ( dname, vname, vtype, val )
char  *dname, *vname, *val;
unsigned short vtype;


The getdavar subroutine gets the persistent variable vname from the Diagnostic Application Variables object class. The putdavar subroutine is used to save the specified value.


dname Name of the device with which the variable is associated.
vname Name of the variable.
vtype Type of the variable. The following values are defined:
DIAG_STRING The variable should be treated as a character string.
DIAG_INT The variable should be treated as an integer.
DIAG_SHORT The variable should be treated as a short.
val Location where the variable should be written when the subroutine getdavar is called. Otherwise, val points to the value to be saved.

Return Value

Upon successful completion, a value of 0 is returned. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned.

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