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AIXLink/X.25 1.1 for AIX: Guide and Reference

N_DISCON_IND Primitive


Indicates a disconnected or denied connection.


This primitive consists of one M_PROTO message block with the following structure:

typedef struct {
   ulong PRIM_type;
   ulong DISCON_orig;
   ulong DISCON_reason;
   ulong RES_length;
   ulong RES_offset;
   ulong SEQ_number;
} N_discon_ind_t;


The N_DISCON_IND primitive indicates to the NPI application that either an existing connection has been disconnected or a request for connection has been denied. The network provider generates this primitive.

The format of the message is one M_PROTO message block, followed by one or more M_DATA blocks. The value of the user data parameter is identical that sent in the corresponding N_DISCON_REQ primitive if one was used. There would be no user data if the disconnection was not initiated by the remote application.


PRIM_type Specifies the N_DISCON_IND primitive.
DISCON_orig Indicates the source of the network connection (NC) release and represents one of the following values:
N_PROVIDER Indicates an NS provider-originated disconnect.
N_USER Indicates an NS user-originated disconnect.
N_UNDEFINED    Indicates an undefined disconnect originator. This value is not permitted when an NS user or the NS provider issues an N_DISCON_IND primitive to reject an NC establishment attempt.
DISCON_reason All calls are cleared with a diagnostic of 0 (zero).
RES_length Indicates the length of the responding address parameter. This parameter is optional and is present only if the primitive indicates the rejection of an NS user's attempt to establish a network connection. If the responding address parameter is not present, the value of this parameter is 0. Otherwise, the value of the disconnect address parameter is identical to that supplied with the corresponding N_DISCON_REQ primitive.
RES_offset Specifies the offset from the beginning of the M_PROTO message block where the network address begins.
SEQ_number Identifies the sequence number of an N_CONN_IND primitive. This parameter can have two types of values:
>0 Identifies the sequence number associated with the N_CONN_IND primitive that is being terminated.
0 Indicates either a previously issued N_CONN_REQ primitive has been rejected, or an established NC has been released.

When the value of this parameter is nonzero and matches the sequence number assigned to an unacknowledged N_CONN_IND primitive, the value of the SEQ_number parameter indicates that the NS provider is canceling the unacknowledged N_CONN_IND primitive.

Implementation Specifics

The N_DISCON_IND primitive is part of X.25 Licensed Program.

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