This section details the procedure for committing software updates. The same procedure can be followed for rejecting service updates and removing software filesets. The SMIT screens that you use vary depending on which action you are performing on the software.
To reject service updates, use the following fast path: smit install_reject .
To remove software filesets, use the following fast path: smit install_remove .
Note: You can determine the software products installed on your system by entering the following at the command line:
lslpp -L
If you already committed the installed service update using the Apply/Commit option of the Install and Update Software Manager application, you do not need to commit the service update again.
Note: You can determine the service updates that are not committed by entering the following at the command line:
installp -s
Use the following procedure to commit service updates that are in the applied state.
Note: If you are rejecting service updates or removing software filesets, you must select software from a list. When more than 100 filesets are selected for reject or removal, overflow conditions may occur.