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3270 Host Connection Program 2.1 and 1.3.3 for AIX: Guide and Reference



Returns the beginning position of a target field in the host connected Presentation Space (PS).

Prerequisite Calls

This function requires a prerequisite call to the CONNECT PRESENTATION SPACE (1) function.


hllc (func, apistring, len, ret)
int *func;
char *apistring;
int *len;
int *ret;

Supplied Parameters

Supply the following parameters to invoke the FIND FIELD POSITION function:

func Specifies the number of the function called; must be 31 for the FIND FIELD POSITION function.
apistring Specifies the attributes of the API string; the calling two-character data string can contain:
Code Explanation
bb or Tb Specifies this field.
Pb Specifies the previous field, either protected or unprotected.
Nb Specifies the next field, either protected or unprotected.
NP Specifies the next protected field.
NU Specifies the next unprotected field.
PP Specifies the previous protected field.
PU Specifies the previous unprotected field.
Note: The b symbol represents a required blank.
len Does not apply for this function (length of 2 is implied).
ret Identifies the field within the host PS where the find begins. This parameter can be the PS position of any byte within the field in which you desire the FIND FIELD POSITION function to start.

Returned Parameters

len The following fields are valid:
=0 Identifies field length of 0 if return code=28 or the unformatted host PS if return code=24.
>0 Identifies length of requested field in host PS.
ret The following fields are valid:
0 Indicates the FIND FIELD POSITION function was successful.
1 Indicates your program was not connected to the host session.
2 Indicates a parameter error occurred.
7 Indicates the host PS position was invalid.
9 Indicates a system error occurred.
24 Specifies that no such field was found, or that PS is unformatted.
28 Specifies that the field length was 0 bytes.


To return the beginning position of a target field, the FIND FIELD POSITION function can be used to find either protected or unprotected fields but only in a field-formatted host PS.

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