Auto LANstreamer Token-Ring PCI Adapter
Type 8-T #2979

       AIX fileset: devices.pci.14101800.*

       RJ-45        _|                     |
       Connector     |                     |
                     | 04H8098 #2979       |
                     |                     |
                     |                     |
                     |  _    _      _   ___|
                     |_| |||| |||||| |||

          4Mbits or 16Mbits auto detected by program

 |                                                                            |
 |                           C  A  B  L  E  S                                 |
 | ___________________________________________________________________________|
 |         |      |                                                           |
 |   P/N   |Length|  Description Adapter end to network end                   |
 | ________|______|___________________________________________________________|
 |         |      |                                                           |
 | 60G1063 | 10ft | RJ-45 8pos to STP ( square block connector )              |
 |         |      |                                                           |
 | 60G1066 | 1ft  | RJ-45 to STP/D D-Shell 9pos female (supplied with adapter)|
 |         |      |                                                           |
 | 6339098 |      | 9pos D-Shell male to STP                                  |

                        Connector View
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                         |          |
                         |          |
                         |          |
                         |          |
                         |          |
                         |          |
                         |  ______  |
                         | |  ___ | |
                         | | |   || |
                         | ||    || | RJ-45 Connector 10BaseT
                         | | |___|| |
                         | |______| |
                         |          |
                         |          |
                         |          |
                         |          |
                         |          |
               Amber LED |  O   O   | Green LED
                         |          |
                         |          |
                         |          |
                         |          |
                         |          | 15-pos Connector  10Base5
                         |          |
                         |          |
                         |          |
                         |__      __|
                            |    |

    Amber        Green

    Blinkink     Blinkink    The adapter is waiting for initialization

     Off         Off         The adapter initialization is in progress
                             or the system unit is powered off.

     Off         Blinkink    The adapter did not detect any problems during its
                             self-diagnostic tests and is waiting to open.

     Off         On          The adapter is opene and operating correctly

     On          Off         The adapter self-diagnostic tests failed

    Blinkink     On          The adapter has detected beaconing or a hard error.

     On          On          THe adapter has failed

Updated: August 01 2000 b Bruno Croft