Ethernet Riser Cards Twisted-Pair
for Integrated Ethernet
Type 2-9 - #9001/#4222

              LINK            LINK
              _____           _____
          OFF|.  X |ON    OFF| X  .|ON
             |_____|         |_____|

            ON= For a IEEE 802.3
                10BaseT Network

           OFF= If Network is not

              /      00G1276       |o|   Green LED
             /     LINK            | |   Indicator
            /   OFF . X ON        __||
           /  Integrity Jumper   |   |   Twisted Pair
          /                      |___|   Connector
          |  Shipped ON Position    ||
          |                        |o|
          |_____             ______|_|
                |           |

 Green Led  ON= Properly connected to a 10BaseT network and power on.
           OFF= Possible Problems: - Twisted-Pair cable defective
                                     or not connected.
                                   - Network not a 10BaseT network.
                                   - Riser Card not properly installed.

Updated Feb 26 2001 by Bruno Croft