8-Bit 3D Color Graphics Processor
Type 1-3 #2780

              W                                  N
       |   |||||      _____MZB1 (Optional)_____|||___ |
     __|__|||||______|____MRV2 _______________|||___ ||
    |               _____MDE1______________________ |||
    | Video card   | 8-Bit Card                    ||||      +-- Red
    | 71F1151      | 71F1117                       |#----CC--+-- Green
    | FFC 128      | FFC 876                       ||||      +-- blue
    |              |_______________________________||_|
    |_______                    _                   |
            |_||||||||||||||||_| |||||||||||||_||___|

      All 3 or 4(if MZB1 present) cards take 2 adjacents slots)

   MGE2 Base Card... 42F6842 FFC130   CC Cable Video.. 58F2903
   MZB1 Z-Buff (Opt) 42F6889 FFC118
   W  Wide Conn..... 53F3271 FFC128   N  Narrow Conn.. 53F3272  FFC128

   NOTE for AIX4: If you install AIX4, you may receive a message about
                  devices.mca.8ee6 fileset. This is a bogus device that
                  is used to identify these graphics adapters. there is
                  no real devices.mca.8ee6 fileset and the adapter is
                  not supported at AIX4