pSeries & RS/6000 License Agreement for Machine Code |
Form No.: Z125-5468-01 6/2002 |
You accept the terms of this IBM License Agreement for Machine Code
("Agreement") by your initial use of a Machine that contains Machine Code. |
If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, you may return
Machine Code and the Machine in the same condition in which they were delivered
to you to the party (either IBM or its reseller) from whom you acquired
the Machine for a refund of the amount you paid if 1) you are the original
user and 2) you do so within 15 days of the Machine's delivery to you and
prior to completion of the first initialization (for example, the first
initial program load or the first initial microcode load) of the Machine. |
The term "Machine Code" means microcode, basic input/output system
code (called "BIOS"), utility programs, device drivers, and diagnostics
delivered with an IBM Machine. Machine Code does not include programs and
code provided under separate license agreements, including but not limited
to open source license agreements. Acceptance of these license terms authorizes
you to use Machine Code with the specific product for which it is provided. |
The term "Machine" means an IBM machine, its features, conversions,
upgrades, elements or accessories, or any combination of them. |
A Machine may include computing resources or capabilities that are
to remain inactive, or whose use is restricted, until the right to access
and use the resources or capabilities is acquired from IBM (called "Built-in-Capacity").
Examples of such computing resources and capabilities include but are not
limited to processors, memory, storage, processing capacity identified
as interactive processing capacity, and workload specific resources or
capabilities (such as a specific operating system, programming language
or application to which use of the Machine is limited). |
International Business Machines Corporation or one of its subsidiaries
(collectively "IBM") owns copyrights in Machine Code or has the right to
license Machine Code. IBM or a third party owns all copies of Machine Code,
including all copies made from them. IBM licenses Machine Code to only
one rightful possessor at a time. |
If you are the rightful possessor of a Machine, IBM grants you a nonexclusive
license to use Machine Code on, or in conjunction with, only the Machine
for which IBM provided it, and only to the extent of IBM authorizations
you have acquired for access to and use of Built-in-Capacity. If your use
of Built-in-Capacity exceeds the IBM authorizations you have acquired for
the Machine, you agree to pay IBM for the full price of permanent, unrestricted
use of the Built-in-Capacity at IBM's then current price. You are not authorized
to use such Built-in-Capacity until such payment is made. |
Under each license, IBM authorizes you to do only the following:
execute Machine Code to enable the Machine to function according to its
Official Published Specifications (called "Specifications") and to use
only the Built-in-Capacity for which you are authorized and for which payment
is received by IBM;
make a reasonable number of copies of Machine Code to be used solely for
backup or archival purposes, provided you reproduce the copyright notice
and any other legend of ownership on any such copies. You may use the copies
only to replace the original, when necessary; and
execute and display Machine Code as necessary to maintain the Machine.
You agree to acquire any replacement for, or additional copy of, Machine
Code directly from IBM in accordance with IBM's standard policies and practices.
You also agree to use that Machine Code under these terms. |
You may transfer possession of Machine Code and its media to another
party only with the transfer of the Machine on which Machine Code is authorized.
If you do so, you must 1) destroy all your copies of Machine Code that
were not provided by IBM, 2) either give the other party all your IBM-provided
copies of Machine Code or destroy them, and 3) give the other party a copy
of these terms and provide all user documentation to that party. IBM licenses
the other party when it accepts these terms. These terms apply to all Machine
Code you acquire from any source. |
Your license for Machine Code terminates when you no longer rightfully
possess the Machine. |
No other rights under this license are granted. |
You agree to use Machine Code only as authorized above. You may not
do, for example, any of the following:
otherwise copy, display, transfer, adapt, modify, or distribute (electronically
or otherwise) Machine Code, except as IBM may authorize in a Machine's
user documentation or in writing to you;
reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise translate Machine Code,
unless expressly permitted by applicable law without the possibility of
contractual waiver;
sublicense or assign the license for the Machine Code; or
lease Machine Code or any copy of it.
Built-in-Capacity is protected by certain technological measures
in Machine Code. As a condition of your license to use Machine Code under
this Agreement, you may not circumvent such technological measures, or
use a third party or third party product to do so, or otherwise access
or use unauthorized Built-in-Capacity. In the event IBM determines that
changes are necessary to the technological measures designed to limit access
to, or use of, Built-in-Capacity to that which has been authorized, IBM
may provide you with changes to such technological measures. As a condition
of your license to use Machine Code under this Agreement, you agree, at
IBM's option, to apply or allow IBM to apply such changes.
The terms of IBM's Statement of Limited Warranty (Z125-4753),
which is incorporated into this Agreement by reference, apply to Machine
Code. Please refer to that warranty for any questions or claims regarding
performance or liability for Machine Code.
If there is a conflict between the terms of this Agreement
and those of any other agreement for Machine Code, the terms of this Agreement
prevail to the extent of the conflict, unless otherwise expressly provided
in the other agreement.
Click below to sign this agreement |