Installation Instructions and Pre-Requisites
Open-Firmware Device Driver for SysKonnect PCI SK-NET FDDI adapters. IBM Feature Codes 2741, 2742, and 2743.

Flash Update Pre-requisites:

AIX 4.1.5 or later SysKonnect PCI FDDI Device driver installed " devices.pci.48110040" AIX diagnostic subsystem installed SK-NET FDDI PCI adapter(s) installed in a PCI slot. The 2741 SK-NET FDDI PCI SAS SC, 2742, SK-NET FDDI PCI DAS SC, and 2743 SK-NET FDDI PCI SAS UTP adapters were originally shipped without firmware installed in the onboard Flash RAM. In April 1998, IBM began shipping version 00 of the FDDI Open Firmware Device Driver installed in the onboard Flash RAM. This Firmware works in conjuction with the following RS/6000 Models and minimum firmware levels. 7013-S70 CAS98072 7015-S70 CAS98072 7017-S70 CAS98072 7025-F40 TR98061 7025-F50 WIL98084 7026-H10 TR89061 7026-H50 WIL98084 7043-140 TIG98075 7043-240 DOR98061 In addition to this list, any CHRP compliant RS/6000 announced after April of 1998 will also support Remote IPL using these FDDI adapters. The purpose of this adapter firmware is to allow Remote Initial Program Load capabilities on these systems vi the FDDI adapter. If the system's Firmware is below the minimum level, FDDI will not be available in the menu for selection of boot sources. Refer to your system User's Guide and Installation and Sevice Guide for information on how to determine the firmware level, where to acquire the latest system firmware level, and how to install new levels. RS/6000 Model 7025-F50 requires a minumum system firmware level of 98006 just to be able to function when it encounters a FDDI adapters with the flash memory programmed with the Open Firmware FDDI Device Driver included in this package. The adapter should be left without the flash memory upgrade or the system should be upgraded to either WIL98006 level of firmware or the latest leve. If not the system and adapter will not be useable. For NIM and remote IPL, WIL98084 or later versions of the system firmware must be used. AIX versions 4.2.1 and later support tftpboot and NIM ( Network Installation and Management) over FDDI on this set of machines. For AIX version 4.2.1, it is necessary to apply APAR IX69445 (PTF 449024 ) to the lpp_source and spot and build the client image with these fixes. Additionally, since the adapter is a vendor product, the device driver must be also added to the lpp_source, and spot, prior to the building of the nim client and the subsequent NIM bos_inst. AIX version 4.2.1 will not support globally exported files for the client. If this is encountered the client, may report flashing 8's in the LED's ( 888 ) and hang during the IPL process. It is necessary to upgrade the adapter flash RAM to the latest level. This can be done on any Prep or CHRP compliant RS/6000 machine supporting Open Firmware. The system must have the latest system firmware. The level can be checked on user's system by entering into the open firware environment and testing the creation date of the adapter firmware. Follow these instructions. 1. Power on the System 2. Wait for the Initial Screen display to appear. 3. If using a Monitor and Keyboard, wait till the keyboard symbol is displayed and press F8. If using and ASCII Terminal, wait until the word keyboard is displayed and press the 8 key. 4. When the "OK>" prompt appears: Type dev / 5. Type ls and look for fddi adapters If there are no adapters with name FDDI available, then you must flash the adapter and skip the subsequent steps.. Typically, these adapters will appear as pci1148,4000 if the adapters have not been flashed. 6. Type in dev /pci/pci-bridge@n/fddi@n if adapters is located through a bridge. ( n is the location number of the bridge or device ) If the adapter is located directly on a the pci bus, type dev /pci@n/fddi@n to match the location of the adapter. 7. Type in creation-time. The latest level of firmware is " 02/04/98 05:05 PM CST " 8. If the creation date is earlier than shown in step 7, you should update the adapter with the latest version of the firmware. ************************************************************************


NOTE: There are two versions of the update package. A DOS version and an AIX version. The DOS version is a DOS self extracting ZIP containing an AIX TAR file. The AIX version is an AIX self extracting ZIP also containing an AIX TAR file. Download the package of your choice and continue with UNZIPPING THE DOS PACKAGE or UNZIPPING THE AIX PACKAGE below as appropriate.



You must download the file fddifw00.bin to your root directory. This file is an AIX self extracting ZIP file. To extract this file login as root and run the following AIX commands: AIX Command Comments chmod +x fddifw00.bin Set permissions to executable ./fddifw00.bin Execute self extracting ZIP. It will prompt for the password! (Hint: **RS/6000**) This will create the file FDDIFW00.TAR which contains: 48110040.bin - FDDI adapter open firware image for flash ROM /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/skfpsa AIX application to ugrade FDDI adapter flash ROM flash_fddi Script to flash fddi adapters Usage: flash_fddi fddi(n) nim.notes Information on NIM with FDDI You must now move this TAR file to the AIX system where you intend to upgrade the FDDI adapter flash. You may ftp the file to the target system, use AIX backup & restore, or use AIX doswrite and dosread to migrate the file to the target system. Place the file in the root directory of the target system and continue below at the section titled EXTRACTING THE AIX TAR FILE ************************************************************************


You must have downloaded the FDDIFW00.EXE to a DOS or windows system. The last two digits in the name are the revision number. It will change from time to time. Use the latest unless directed to use a specific level. This file is a DOS self extracting ZIP file. To extract this file run the following DOS command: DOS Command Comments FDDIFW00 -s**RS/6000** Execute self extracting ZIP with password. This will create the file FDDIFW00.TAR which contains: 48110040.bin - FDDI adapter open firware image for flash ROM /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/skfpsa AIX application to ugrade FDDI adapter flash ROM flash_fddi Script to flash fddi adapters Usage: flash_fddi fddi(n) nim.notes Information on NIM with FDDI You must now move this TAR file to the AIX system where you intend to upgrade the FDDI adapter flash. You may ftp the file to the target system, use AIX backup & restore, or use AIX doswrite and dosread to migrate the file to the target system. Place the file in the root directory of the target system and continue below at the section titled EXTRACTING THE AIX TAR FILE ************************************************************************


NOTE: At this point you should be logged into the system where you intend to update the FDDI adapter flash as root and have the FDDIFW00.TAR file in the root directory.

        1.   at command line prompt type
           " tar -xvf FDDIFW00.TAR "

        2.   determine which fddi adapter(s) are present
             " lsdev -C | grep fddi
             Eligible fddi adapters should be SysKonnect PCI FDDI

        3.   For each eligible adapter:

              a: at the command line prompt  type
                 "flash_fddi fddi(n)
                  where (n) is the number of the fddi adapter

              b: follow prompts from program, if an error code is
                 displayed, retry from step a:

              c: Shutdown AIX with shutdown command  and power off.

              d: If required remove PCI adapter and install in
                 destination machine.

              e: Power on user system.

              f: Enter System Management Services as described in
                 system's User Guide and Installation and Service Guide.

              h: Follow menu's to set boot devices and see if
                 FDDI is available as a boot device.

              i: Only select FDDI as a boot device if a network IPL is


Installing FDDI Open Firmware Device Driver in adapter Flash using AIX Standalone Diagnostic CD.

Pre-requisites. AIX 4.3.D Standalone Diagnostics CD SK-NET FDDI FP AIX diagnostics Diskette SK-NET FDDI Device Driver Diskette FDDIFW00.TAR SK-NET FDDI Adapter Open Firmware Update Making a Backup Diskette of the FDDI Open Firmare Device Driver To create a Backup diskette of the 48110040.bin FDDI Flash ROM file. You must have the download FDDIFW00.TAR file to the root directory of an AIX system. 2. Issue the command "tar -xvf FDDIFW00.TAR " 3. Insert a formated blank diskette 4. Issue the command "ls /tmp/48110040.bin | backup -ivr " 5. Label the diskette AIX_fddi_flash_ugen Update the Adapter Flash: 1. Boot the system with the AIX Standalone Diagnostic CD ROM 2. Follow the Menu items for Sevice Aids and select "Update SysKonnect PCI FDDI ADAPTER (48110040) Flash" Service aid. 3. Follow the instructions from the Service Aid to complete the flash ROM upgrade.
Revised 9/18/98 to cover AIX self extracting ZIP package.
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