This is the GA level of firmware for FC 6239, PN 00P4295.
The typical time to install the microcode is .4 hr.
1.00X5 | GA level |
1) List the Fiber Channel PCI adapters installed in the system by typing:
lsdev -C | grep "fcs"
Note the device names of all the Gigabit Fiber Channel PCI Adapters installed. The adapter device names will be fcsX, where X is 0,1, or some other number.
2) To check the current microcode level for the adapter enter the following command
lscfg -vl fcsX
Where X is the number of the adapter returned by the previous lsdev command.
The Command will produce output similar to
FC Adapter
Part Number.................00P4295
EC Level....................A
Serial Number...............1A31600450
FRU Number..................
Device Specific.(ZM)........3
Network Address.............10000000C9332A79
ROS Level and ID............02E01035
Device Specific.(Z0)........2003806D
Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z3)........03000909
Device Specific.(Z4)........FF601032
Device Specific.(Z5)........02E01035
Device Specific.(Z6)........06631035
Device Specific.(Z7)........07631035
Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C9332A79
Device Specific.(Z9)........HS1.00X5
Device Specific.(ZA)........H1D1.00X5
Device Specific.(ZB)........H2D1.00X5
Device Specific.(YL)........U1.9-P2-I1/Q1
If the ROS Level and ID is less than 02E01035 then you should update the microcode.
Instructions for downloading and unpacking firmware update packages follows.
The download choices are:
You will want a copy of the description and one of the above formats.
You may transfer the files to
the target system in one of the following ways:
Detailed download /unpacking instruction follow for each format.
NOTE: The following values apply to this microcode file:
Filesize: 537880 bytes
Checksum: 25216
6.1.1 Downloading AIX Format File to target AIX system
Note: The following instructions use AIX commands. AIX commands are
CASE SENSITIVE (lower and upper)
and must
be entered exactly as shown.
1. Create a directory on the AIX system to receive the files
mkdir /tmp/ucode
press enter
2. Transfer the AIX format file to the /tmp/ucode directory (using "Save as ...")
3. Unpack the file as follows:
cd /tmp/ucode
chmod +x *
You will need the password **RS/6000**
The following file will be unpacked:
Use sum df1080f9.100305 to verify
that the checksum is 25216
If the check is incorrect, retrieve the firmware from
the website again and follow the instructions to unpack.
4. Move the microcode to the microcode directory.
mv /tmp/ucode/df1080f9.100305 /etc/microcode/df1080f9.100305.
6.1.2 Downloading AIX Format File and FTP the file to target system
If you are not on the target machine, you can ftp the df1080f9.100305 file to the target system as follows:
type : the command that is typed in.
enter: the pressing the enter key
(name of the target system): the name of the target system
response : the response displayed following the pressing
of the enter key.
you will need the root password of the target system.
type and enter
ftp (name of target system)
Connected to (name of target system)
220 (target system FTP server ( Version) ready
name (name of machine: user):
type and enter
Password: (root password)
type the root password and enter
230 User root logged in
type and enter
cd /tmp
250 CWD command sucessful
type and enter
200 type set to I.
type and enter
put df1080f9.100305
200 PORT command successful
150 opening data connection for df1080f9.100305 ( xx bytes)
226 Transfer compete
ftp >
type and enter
221 Goodbye
The firmware is now on the target system in the /tmp directory.
Move the firmware to the correct directory as follows:
mv df1080f9.100305 /etc/microcode/df1080f9.100305
6.1.3 Downloading AIX Format and Use a diskette to transfer file to target system
You can use a diskette to transfer the file to the target system as follows:
1. Change directory to the directory that contains the firmware
cd /tmp/ucode
2. Create a directory with just the firmware
mkdir 100305
3. Copy the firmware to the new directory
cp df1080f9.100305 100305/.
4. cd to the new directory
cd 100305
5. back up the firmware to a diskette
find . | backup -iv
the firmware is now on the diskette
6. place the diskette in the target system's diskette drive
7. On the target system, cd to the directory to receive
the firmware
and transfer the firmware to the
The firmware is now on the target system in the target directory.
Use sum df1080f9.100305 to
verify that the checksum is 25216
If the check is incorrect, retrieve the firmware from
the website again and follow the instructions to unpack.
6.1.4 Downloading DOS Format file
1. Prepare a directory for receiving the DOS/Windows format file.
2. Transfer the DOS/Windows format file to the [path\ucode directory (using "Save as ....").
The file df1080f9.exe will now be in the directory.
3. Change directory to the directory that contains the firmware.
cd [path]\ucode
4. Place a diskette in the diskette drive and execute the self extracting file.
Follow the instructions on the screen to build the diskette image.
5. Place the diskette in the target system's diskette drive
6. On the target system, cd to the directory to receive
the firmware
and transfer the firmware to the
the firmware is now on the target system.
6.1.5 Downloading RPM Format File to Target Server
Use this method to download to an AIX system:
Note: The instructions that follow are specific AIX commands. AIX commands are CASE (lower and upper) SENSITIVE, and must be entered exactly as shown, including filenames.
1. Make a directory on an AIX system to receive the RPM format file.
Enter: mkdir /etc/microcode
2. Transfer the RPM format file to the /etc/microcode directory (using
"Save as ...").
You'll see the filename is pci.df1080f9-1-00X5.rpm
3. Unpack the file by executing the instructions below:
Enter the commands:
rpm -ihv --ignoreos pci.df1080f9-1-00X5.rpm
The file size and checksum will be verified.
The microcode files will be added to /etc/microcode/
6.1.6 Downloading File from the Microcode CD-ROM
Copy microcode updates from the CD-ROM to standard locations on your local disk:
1. RPM packaged microcode files will be copied to "/tmp/microcode/RPM"
2. Microcode files will be copied to "/usr/lib/microcode"
- "/etc/microcode" is a symbolic link to "/usr/lib/microcode".
- If permission does not allow the copy to the above stated directory
or file then the user will be prompted for a new location.
Adapter firmware are provided in the package under pSeries-RS/6000-Microcode-Adapter/Service.
Look for df1080F9.exe. You will want to read the update description and
the latest installation instructions.
When you launch the firmware update selections in CORE, follow the
instructions on the PC.
The Diagnostic Microcode Download software supports the following naming
convention for the microcode binary file :
df1080f9.100305 where 100305
is the version of the file.
You are now ready to FLASH the EEPROM in the adapter using the single command:
diag -d fcsX -T download
Where X is the number found from the "lsdev -C | grep fcs " command.
Self-explanatory menus will step you through the microcode installation.
Repeat each step in 7.1 above for all the cards that need the
To Back level the firmware
diag -d fcsX -T "download -f -l previous"
From the command line login, log in as root.
Task Selection (Diagnostics, Adanced Diagnostics,
Servicd Aids, etc.)
Download Microcode
Select the device returned for above
Press enter when prompted to download the microcode
Upon completion, a message will state that the firmware has be successfuly
downloaded and that
the new level is 100305.
1 List the Fiber Channel PCI adapters installed in the system by typing:
lsdev -C | grep "fcs"
Note the device names of all the Gigabit Fiber Channel PCI Adapters installed. The adapter device names will be fcsX, where X is 0,1, or some other number.
2 To check the current microcode level for the adapter enter the following command
lscfg -vl fcsX
Where X is the number of the adapter returned by the previous lsdev command.
The Command will produce output similar to
FC Adapter
Part Number.................00P4295
EC Level....................A
Serial Number...............1A31600450
FRU Number..................
Device Specific.(ZM)........3
Network Address.............10000000C9332A79
ROS Level and ID............02E01035
Device Specific.(Z0)........2003806D
Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z3)........03000909
Device Specific.(Z4)........FF601032
Device Specific.(Z5)........02E01035
Device Specific.(Z6)........06631035
Device Specific.(Z7)........07631035
Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C9332A79
Device Specific.(Z9)........HS1.00X5
Device Specific.(ZA)........H1D1.00X5
Device Specific.(ZB)........H2D1.00X5
Device Specific.(YL)........U1.9-P2-I1/Q1
If the ROS Level and ID is 02E01035, the firmware has been updated.
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