This is the Current level of firmware for The IBM RISC System/6000 2 Gigabit Fiber Channel PCI-X Adapter.
This level of firmware is for FC 6239,
PN 00P4295, 80P4381, 80P6415.
and for IBM branded Emulex LP9802 Fiber Channel PCI-X Adapters for
Linux systems.
The typical time to install the microcode is .4 hr.
This firmware update contains the following features and fixes:
Firmware Level | Changes |
1.91x4 |
1.81X3 |
1.81X1 |
1.00X5 | GA Level |
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The recomened AIX device driver APARs for this firmware are:
The microcode installation occurs while the adapter and any attached drives are available for use. It is recommended that this installation be scheduled during non-peak production periods
NOTE: An APAR is required to successfully download firmware concurrently.
If the apar is not installed, a reboot is required following firmware download.
Firmware download AIX APAR required
for firmware download.
Prior to downloading firmware to the FC 6239, the following APAR
must be
installed :
AIX 5.1 = APAR IY35308,
AIX 5.2 = APAR IY35747
Note: Failure to have the APAR
installed will damage the adapter.
To determine if the APAR is installed, enter the following
lslpp -L | grep
For AIX 5.1, the file set must be at or higher
For AIX 5.2, the file set must be at or higher
Before you install the microcode, it is important to determine the FRU Number and Microcode level of the adapter installed in the target system. Use the following instructions to read the FRU number stored in the adapter's non-volatile memory.
List the Fiber Channel PCI adapters installed in the system by typing:
lsdev -C | grep "fcs"
Note the device names of all the Gigabit Fiber Channel PCI Adapters installed. The adapter device names will be fcsX, where X is 0,1, or some other number.
2) There are two methods to check the current microcode level on the adapter.
lscfg -vl fcsX
Where X is the number of the adapter returned by the previous lsdev command.
The Command will produce output similar to
fvs0 3F-08 FC Adapter
Part Number.................80P6415
EC Level....................A
Serial Number...............1D51406697
Feature Code/Marketing ID...5704
FRU Number.................. 80P6416
Device Specific.(ZM)........3
Network Address.............10000000C9492EF6
ROS Level and ID............02E01971
Device Specific.(Z0)........2003806D
Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z3)........03000909
Device Specific.(Z4)........FF601410
Device Specific.(Z5)........02E01971
Device Specific.(Z6)........06631971
Device Specific.(Z7)........07631971
Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C9492EF6
Device Specific.(Z9)........HS1.91X1 <============== firmware level
Device Specific.(ZA)........H1D1.91X1
Device Specific.(ZB)........H2D1.91X1
Device Specific.(YL)........P1-I5/Q1
If the firmware level in the "Z9" field is not 1.91x4, then the microcode should upgraded.
lsmcocde -d fcsX
Where X is the number of the adapter returned from the "lsdev" command
fcs3 FC Adapter
The current microcode level for fcs3 is 181301.
Use Enter to continue.
F3=Cancel F10=Exit Enter
181301 is the extension of the firmware image (df1080f9.181301) that was last loaded on the adapter.
If the extensions is not 191304, then the firmware should be upgraded.
On Linux systems one of two possible methods may be used to determine the current level of Microcode on installed adapters, the method used is dependent upon the version of Linux installed on the target server. If the one method does not display the Microcode level, try the other method. Both methods assume you are logged in as root and one or more Fiber Channel PCI adapters are installed.
cat /proc/scsi/lpfc/*
Output will display various information for each installed Fiber Channel PCI adapter. Make note of Driver version, Emulex LightPulse model and Firmware Version:
Emulex LightPulse FC SCSI 7.2.4
Emulex LightPulse LP9802 2 Gigabit PCI Fiber Channel Adapter
Firmware Version: 1.81 (H2D1.81X1)
cd /sys/class/scsi_host
find . -name "lpfc_drvr_version" -print
Output will list relative path names for each installed Fiber Channel PCI adapter. Note the host{n} portion of each path.
cat host{n}/lpfc_drvr_version
Where host{n} is one from step 1. Driver version should be noted as it will be required later when Microcode is updated. Driver version may vary but will display as follows:
Emulex LightPulse FC SCSI 7.2.4
cat host{n}/modelname
Where host{n} is one from step 1. Model will display as follows:
cat host{n}/fwrev
Where host{n} is one from step 1. Firmware version will display as follows:
1.81 (H2D1.81X1)
If, as shown in bold text above, the Emulex LightPulse model is LP9802 and the firmware version is not 1.91X4, then the microcode should upgraded.
There are two firmware packages available, from the Internet and CORE, an RPM package for AIX systems and an RPM package for Linux systems. Use the appropriate method for the Operating System installed on the target server.
Use this method to install the AIX RPM package on an AIX system:
Note: The instructions that follow are specific AIX commands. AIX commands are CASE (lower and upper) SENSITIVE, and must be entered exactly as shown, including filenames.
1. Make a directory on an AIX system to receive the RPM format file.
Enter: mkdir /etc/microcode
2. Transfer the RPM format file to a temporary directory on the target server.
You'll see the filename is pci.df1080f9-1-91x4.aix.rpm
3. Unpack the file by executing the instructions below:
Enter the commands:
rpm -ihv --ignoreos pci.df1080f9-1-91x4.aix.rpm
4. If the firmware unpacks successfully, the microcode files will be added to /etc/microcode/
5.The file size and checksum will be verified on the firmware image, NOT the RPM file.
File size: 468088 bytes
Checksum: 26894
If step 3 returns with: " package package_name is already installed"
You will need to unistall the rpm package as follows:rpm -e package_name
Where "packag_name" is the package name returned in the failure of step three.
Now go to step 3 above to unpack the firmware.
Note: The steps that follow list specific Linux commands. Linux commands are CASE (lower and upper) SENSITIVE, and must be entered exactly as shown, including filenames.1. Transfer the Linux RPM format file, pci.10dff980-1-91x4.Linux.rpm to a temporary directory on the target server, /tmp in this example.
2. Unpack the RPM file by typing:
rpm -ivh /tmp/pci.10dff980-1-91x4.Linux.rpm3. Verify the firmware update file, pci.10dff980.191304, was installed in /lib/firmware directory.
4. If not, carefully review previous steps and carefully examine output from rpm command for any reported errors.
5. If the firmware unpacks successfully, the microcode files will be added to the correct directory./
6.The file size and checksum will be verified on the firmware image, NOT the RPM file.
File size:468088
Checksum: 26894
If step 2 returns with: " package package_name is already installed"
You will need to unistall the rpm package as follows:rpm -e package_name
Where "packag_name" is the package name returned in the failure of step three.
Now go to step 2 above to unpack the firmware.
The Diagnostic Microcode Download software supports the following AIX naming convention for the microcode binary file :
df1080f9.191304 where 191304 is the version of the file.
The Diagnostic Microcode Download software supports the following Linux naming convention for the microcode binary file {vendor_id}{device_id}.{version}:
pci.10dff980.191304 where 191304 is the version of the file.
You are now ready to FLASH the EEPROM in the adapter using the single command:
diag -d fcsX -T download
Where X is the number found from the "lsdev -C | grep fcs " command.
Self-explanatory menus will step you through the microcode installation.
Repeat each step in 7.1 above for all the cards that need the update.
To Back level the firmware
diag -d fcsX -T "download -f -l previous"
From the command line login, log in as root.
Task Selection (Diagnostics, Advanced Diagnostics, Service Aids, etc.)
Download Microcode
Select the device returned for above
Press enter when prompted to download the microcode
Upon completion, a message will state that the firmware has be successfully downloaded and that
the new level is 191304.
To update the Fiber Channel PCI adapter microcode on installed adapters in a Linux system the Emulex lputil flash program must be used. This program is included in an Application Kit available only from the IBM OEM web pages on the Emulex web site. Newer versions of Emulex LightPulse Drivers also require an Application Helper Module, older Emulex LightPulse drivers do not. The following Emulex LightPulse Drivers do not require an Application Helper Module as the functionality is either built into the Driver: SUSE SLES8 4.30x and 4.31x drivers; SUSE SLES9 2.10x drivers; or the Application Helper module is included in the Linux distrubution: Red Hat RHEL3 7.0.x drivers, RHEL3 7.1.x drivers and RHEL3 7.2.x drivers.
There may some cases where an Application Helper module for the version of Linux installed is not listed on the IBM OEM web page, for those cases, there will be an updated Driver Kit which includes both the driver and the corresponding Application Helper module.
To begin, open the IBM OEM web page by entering in an Internet browser. Follow links on the page to the LP9802 Fiber Channel PCI adapter page. This page will contain a list of all supported drivers for this adapter, Application Kits and if available the Application Helper Module for this adapter.
Scroll down to the "Drivers for Linux" or the "Previous Releases" section. Find the entry in the table which corresponds to the Linux driver version currently installed on the target server as determined in section 5.2 above. Download the Application Kit or Driver Kit and, if listed, the Application Helper Module to a temporary directory on the target server. Follow the installation instructions as provided by links on the IBM OEM web page to install the downloaded packages.
Once both the Application Helper Module Kit or Driver Kit and the Application Kit have been installed on the target system, the microcode update can proceed as follows.
Verify lputil command is present, type ls
/usr/sbin/lpfc/lputil Output should list file path
for lputil command.
Verify Driver Module (lpfc of lpfcdd) is loaded, type lsmod Examine
output for presence of lpfc or lpfcdd in loaded module
list. If not present, type modprobe lpfc or modprobe lpfcdd,
examine console messages for error reported.
Verify Application Helper Module (lpfcdfc) is loaded, type lsmod Examine
output for presence of lpfcdfc in list. If not present, type modprobe
lpfcdfc, examine console messages for error reported.
Note: The Application Helper Module will not be listed for SUSE SLES8 4.30x and 4.31x drivers; SUSE SLES9 2.10x drivers as this functionality is built into the LightPulse driver.
If any of the verification checks fail, review the installation documentation and insure all steps were completed, look for any errors reported during installation. If problems cannot be resolved, contact IBM service support.
Caution: Do not interrupt this process, shutdown the system or remove power until the firmware update process is complete.
If you are updating the firmware on a dual-channel adapter, each channel will display as a separate adapter, repeat steps 3 through 8 to update the firmware on the second channel.
List the Fiber Channel PCI adapters installed in the system by typing:
lsdev -C | grep "fcs"
Note the device names of all the Gigabit Fiber Channel PCI Adapters installed. The adapter device names will be fcsX, where X is 0,1, or some other number.
There two methods to check the current microcode level for the adapter.
lsmcocde -d fcsX
Where X is the number of the adapter returned from the "lsdev" command above.
fcs3 FC Adapter
The current microcode level for fcs3 is 191304.
Use Enter to continue.
F3=Cancel F10=Exit Enter
If current microcode level is 191304, then the firmware has been upgraded.
lscfg -vl fcsX
Where X is the number of the adapter returned by the previous lsdev command.
The Command will produce output similar to
fcs0 3F-08 FC Adapter
Part Number.................00P4295
EC Level....................A
Serial Number...............1A31600450
FRU Number.................. 00P4297
Device Specific.(ZM)........3
Network Address.............10000000C9332A79
ROS Level and ID............02E01871
Device Specific.(Z0)........2003806D
Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z3)........03000909
Device Specific.(Z4)........FF601032
Device Specific.(Z5)........02E01871
Device Specific.(Z6)........06631871
Device Specific.(Z7)........07631871
Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C9332A79
Device Specific.(Z9)........HS1.91X1
Device Specific.(ZA)........H1D1.91X1
Device Specific.(ZB)........H2D1.91X1
Device Specific.(YL)........U1.9-P2-I1/Q1
If the firmware level in the "Z9" filed is 1.91X4, then the firmware has been upgraded
On Linux systems one of two possible methods must be used to determine the current level of Microcode on installed adapters. If the first method does not display the Microcode level, the second method should display the Microcode level for installed adapters. Both methods assume you are logged in as root and one or more Fiber Channel PCI adapters are installed.
cat /proc/scsi/lpfc/*
Output will display various information for each installed Fiber Channel PCI adapter. Make note of Firmware Version:
Firmware Version: 1.81 (H2D1.91X4)
cd /sys/class/scsi_host
find . -name "lpfc_drvr_version" -print
Output will list relative path names for each installed Fiber Channel PCI adapter. Note the host{n} portion of each path.
cat host{n}/fwrev
Where host{n} is one from step 1. Firmware version will display as follows:
1.81 (H2D1.91X4)
If the firmware level in displayed using either method above is 1.91X4, then the firmware has been upgraded
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